Some Dresses Just Beg to Be Purchased
Summer like weather has me thinking about the ocean. Cool breezes, the smell of the salty air, the way the wind makes you skin feel, the endless views, sunrises, sunsets, kite flying, playing catch with the waves and above all else, that vision of the perfect summer dress. My idea of the perfect summer dress is a lightweight cotton, light color but not dull. Cap sleeves (I never have liked sleeveless), it has to have a full skirt, one that would twirl good if you spun in a circle. Perhaps full enough that the wind could catch it, wrap around your legs a bit and cause a good laugh.
Walking through Goodwill the other day I found my perfect summer dress. Pale pink ( a bit pinker than in the picture) with chocolate brown and white designs. Much like a scoop of Strawberry ice cream, drizzled with marshmallow and hot fudge sauces. Makes me think this dress would be perfect to wear to York Beach Maine and have a scoop of ice cream at The Goldenrod. A favorite summer spot for generations in my family.
Tiny cap sleeves and a full skirt. Zipper well hidden on the side, ribbon belt. I just love it ! My wishes to find the perfect summer dress this year came true, only one little problem, its a bit tight, requiring me to eat a bit less until it fits. Now I am on the hunt for the perfect sandals and a wide brimmed summer hat. Oh one more thing, this dress demands a trip to the shore, which means some travelling.
The best part of this little dress in perfect condition, $5.99
I have a collection of such lovely dresses tucked away in the back of my closet --- and the new 'program' is going very well. Before long. . .they will fit again. I'm down nearly two sizes already. Yippee!
I went yesterday, and found a wonderful Ralph Lauren dress shirt for DH and two RL t's for youngest daughter. Found a couple nice things for myslef too, but, alas, no summer dress!
I can picture the dress with pretty sandals and a picture hat!
A trip to the shore won't be as inexpensive, however!
You can wear it to the lake with Mei-Ling!
I, too, need to loose a few pounds.
I thought about your description of the "classic" looking grandmother, last weekend, when I saw her in Montana! She was wearing a tiny floral- print, mid-thigh dress, and Crocks. She had snow white hair done up in a bun. No makeup. She looked radiant! She was holding her little grandson, while eating at a restaurant, with her family.
I go back and forth, in my mind about what a grandma should look like, but have decided we come in all sizes and shapes, and all that matters is the love we have for our "babies". My little guys get a grandma in jeans, t-shirt, and tennies most of the time, but that little summer dress is inspiring...