Report from the Doctor and Assorted Thoughts

Heading off to Fort Worth at 8 am this morning felt a bit like having some 9-5 job in the big city. I got to fight traffic, (well, Ft Worth's traffic, which ain't much compared to other cities in the US) but its traffic to me after all these years of living where people still wave at you as you pass by on a country road. Miss Mei-Ling acted grouchy, as if she knew she would be poked and prodded soon. She fussed all the way to the hospital specialty clinic. Fussed the whole time she was weighed and measured, which by the way was all good news. She is now 10.7 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. This tiny one ended up having an EKG, echo cardiogram, chest x-ray and then an exam. All looks good, they are now 99 % sure she will not need surgery but they did put her on a couple medications to help her heart work stronger and to remove some of the fluid from her lungs. They don't expect her to be on the medications by her first birthday. Prayers really do get answered. We did end up being at the specialty clinic for 4 hours ! The bonus to all this besides the good news, is that the Spiral Diner is not more than 2 blocks from the Children's Hospital and boy were we hungry after all that time spent at the Doctors. As always the food is amazing, all Vegan, all good. We even splurged and had a piece of Orange Chocolate Cake that was out of this world. Mei-Ling slept through our entire meal.
Melanie is having some health issues and has been put on about 1/2 dozen medications to take care of the problems, but they make her sleepy so she is worn out and now sleeping on our sofa while Mei-Ling naps. The two of them look tuckered out.
When I got home, the first thing I did was take off my shoes, put on some shorts, an old baggy tee shirt and take a walk out back to let the chickens out of their house, and to look around, breath deeply the fresh air and see the fluffy clouds announce another summer day in all its glory. There are an astounding amount of butterflies this year in our yard. I have never seen so many at one time.
Momma Cardinal was sitting on her nest when I checked on it today, but she was frightened by my footsteps and flew off to a nearby fence post, watching carefully from what she decided was a safe distance. I can't help but worry that the cats or some other critter will discover the nest when the baby birds start to make a noise. I hate finding an empty nest, too soon.
Aya is tired of nursing her kittens and has no problem walking away from them as they are nursing, tumbling down the back steps as she takes off. They are ready to be weaned, they just don't believe that yet.
Having a day on the town is fun, eating out in my favorite restaurant, chatting with Melanie all morning long, holding Mei-Ling with grandmotherly pride, but its always the best feeling pulling in the driveway, walking through the front door and being met with that familiar scent of incense that has been a part of our home for nearly 30 years. Tossing off my socks and shoes within the first 3 minutes, getting a tall glass of iced water, thumbing through the days mail while sitting in the big over stuffed chair, feet dangling off the side. Looking through the lace curtains and seeing green and the colors of flowers. Turning on the stereo and hearing Cat Stevens sing Peace Train to me. All good comfy things, the real deal. Signs of love in every corner. A life that is one of no pretending, just simple life, the good life. No need to impress or over achieve. I love being 52 and living simple. Makes life so uncomplicated.
The summer sky
Mei-Ling asleep in her car seat
a new rose
Chickens just let out of the hen house
Momma cat, nursing her kittens, but not looking too motherly (I snapped this just before she walked away and let them all fall down the stairs, good thing they are flexible)


2 LMZ FARMS said…
I'm so glad everything turn out good. Sorry to hear about Melanie. Will keep you all in my prayers
Patty said…
thanks, the poor girl has had a tough time of it lately
JacquiG said…
That wonderful that Mei Ling is doing well now, but sorry to hear about Melanie. She has had such a difficult time. I hope the new medications have her back on her feet soon.

I just turned 52 this week ... and so far so good! Mind you I'm flying to England in 2 days (yay!) and getting married in 23 days (yay!!) so this birthday year is starting off very well for me!!
Patty said…
Happy Birthday Jackie ! I left a comment for you on your blog so won't repeat it all here.

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