27 Years Ago Today

27 years ago today, my life changed forever and in the best way possible. Just as the sun was setting over Spot Pond, Melissa was born to Emery and I. The sunset was gorgeous. It had rained most of that day, but just as this new life entered the world, the sun came out from under the clouds and broke forth with beauty and reflected on the pond in oranges and golden yellows. It was as if all Nature rejoiced with us in this moment of joy.
This child was born in such a gentle manner, rolled over in the nursery that first night and slept through the night within her first week of life. She was the star of the hospital.
She read by age 3, smiled almost continuously throughout her childhood and provided us with joy beyond our wildest imaginations.
Here she is now, 27 years old today and still giving us profound joy. Its Melissa's birthday today and the only bad part about that is that we can't spend the day together celebrating with her. Vermont is a long way from Texas !
Emery and I feel so blessed to have our amazing children. Each one so much the free thinking individual. We wanted to raise independent children, and we have. We wanted to raise our children to become good adults, the kind of people who impact the world around them in good ways.
Melissa has done this with grace and with enthusiasm. She is one of those quiet individuals that makes a difference in other peoples lives without preaching or shouting from the hilltops "look at me". She has changed the lives of some wounded children just by her caring. Now she is heading back to school for another degree. School is a breeze for her, studying is like breathing for her. She is getting her nursing degree, she will once again make an impact on those she cares for with this new vocation.
As you can tell, Emery and I are very proud of our children and today, on the 8th day of June, we celebrate the life of our first born. Happy Birthday Melissa, thanks for being just who you are, a beautiful young woman on the inside and the outside. You are loved !


Marcie said…
I loved reading this post, Patty. You have a lot to be proud of in your daughter, and your love for her really shines through this entire post!
2 LMZ FARMS said…
Patty, reading that post brought tears to my eyes. You have every right to be proud of your children, you have raised them right. And beautiful children, too. Along with a precious sweet, beautiful grandbaby. You are trully blessed.
Hope you and yours have a wonderful and blessed weekend.

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