
It's been a long week. The last few days have been difficult, but each moment has been tempered by the soothing salve of a simple life. Each morning my day starts with a view of the sunrise right off the back porch, and a view of the garden. Walking down the steps of the porch, I can breath deeply and soak in the sights and sounds around me. There is no pressure or stress in these moments. The goats munch grain on the stanchion while I sit next to them, looking out at the small mounds of dirt in the pasture where a very industrious squirrel has been storing its winter food. There is the clean smell of hay and sweet grain. The air is clear and clean.
No matter what faces me in the day, the foundation on which it is built, is good. A simple kind of good. And then as the sun sets, the same sorts of things embrace me once again. That simplicity of nature, that rhythm of life that is so calming is mine at least twice a day.
Tonight after feeding the animals, I went to the garden, bowl in hand to pick a couple kinds of lettuce, some spinach, rosy red radishes, juicy tomatoes and long yellow banana peppers for a salad. The task of picking the nights food, was like a holy experience. Emotional in a way that is hard to explain. Part of today I was thinking about how worn out I feel, so spent, so used up. So much to do each day, so many more things I want to accomplish, but then these moments of farm life, of homestead sort of activities give me strength and purpose. There are buds on the lavender plants. Roses still in bloom and eggs in the nest boxes. There are round heads of cabbage growing bigger each day. There is homemade soap at each sink and laundry flapping in the wind. There is wool in piles next to the spinning wheel and yarn waiting to be knit into something useful. There is lamp light on the table and silence that is so golden. There is strength building peace that fills the spaces of my day and I love it.


This is such a beautiful piece, Patty, a gift to your readers. Thank you. I need to get out more with my little dog Bo, arthritic knees or not, and enjoy the natural world full of life and beauty and peace and comfort. People's lives nowadays do not have this built into them as automatically as they used to. We need to build it into our daily routines. It is so healing to connect with the natural life and beauty around us.
Donetta said…
Oh yes the joy of simplicity. I am so happy to see that Mayling is doing so well.
novascotiagal said…
That is a peaceful state that I am striving for. I have three children in a very busy elementary school, and the forms, fundraising demands, homework due dates, field trip requests, etc. is making me dizzy and stressed. The schedules and demands of the outside world don't seem to let up, but I'm trying to organize the home so that it will flow more smoothly through the days, weeks and months.

In the meantime, I remind myself to embrace the chaos, because I have three excited healthy children, who want to know and do and create. I'll just have to deal with the mess.:) And be grateful.
Renee said…
Thank you for sharing this; it's a beautiful and moving post.
There is solace in simple repetative tasks, kneading bread, caring for animals, chopping veggies for a soup or salad. It isn't mindless work but it does leave a space to listen, to notice colors and shapes and the birds at the feeder outside the window, or the weather moving across the foothills. I did some of my best thinking while on hands and knees in my Vermont garden; worrying, praying, even the occasional grieving, can accompany simple tasks and leave us with work accomplished and a clearer mind.
Towanda said…
The pictures in this post are just so lovely and several of them bring back memories of my life growing up -- the eggs, the homemade bread. Thank you for sharing them.

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