Neurosurgeons Visit
Mei-Ling has some deformities with her spine, instead of it ending in a cone shape, its blunt and she has a lot of spinal fluid The Dr told them as long as she is walking fine, they won't do a thing and many people have these problems and never know it.
He thought it looked like she might have a tethered spinal cord but then didn't have the symptoms, so he is not worried about it.
If she starts loosing some ability with walking etc, which he doesn't think will happen but if it does, then they will work on some plan to correct what they can, and he said that the nerves around the bladder don't show up on an MRI but did when she is in surgery the Dr could see them and even those in kids often fix themselves. he was pleased at her walking and the nerves in her feet were fine, which is all good.
She will need an MRI every year to keep track of the problems.
Mei-Ling didn't much like seeing another Dr (who could blame her) and hid her face from him, until he checked the nerves in her feet, which tickled her, then she thought he was great !
Babies are amazing little humans.