Oprah was great today, all about the "Blue Zones" the places where folks live the longest. I was thrilled to hear this...." Sardinians also drink goat's milk, which is high in calcium and good for your heart. "Plus, researchers believe it could protect against Alzheimer's and heart disease," Dr. Oz says.Not only is goat's milk healthy, it's easier for your stomach to digest and is also good for people who are lactose intolerant. "It has tryptophan, that same sort of mellowing agent that turkey has," Dr. Oz says. "The fat particles in goat milk are much smaller than in cow milk, so you don't have to mix it up. And when you mix up fat globules, in some people it makes enzymes that irritate your stomach." Goat's milk is available in most grocery store dairy departments—just look for it in a smaller size than a gallon."The entire show had wonderful information, but I the goat milk information was extra sweet for me.
I liked your pot holders and I have been wanting to make some too. Got some cute chicken material from Walmart. I was wondering if the edge is binding or is that the back folded over? Thanks. Nancy
Its the backing folded over.