First Light
The chickens fed, the goats had their grain and some new hay to munch on while the barn cats ate their breakfast too. The garden had a bit of attention and some herbs picked for soup making this afternoon. Wood needed to be brought in and some kindling gathered. The same kinds of chores I do every single day. Bed made and breakfast cooked. Emery has his breakfast very early and I have mine after chores. I can enjoy it more that way. No rushed feeling. But we chat in passing, sharing thoughts and plans for the day. Today we looked up the little day book I kept while we were dating to see what we did 30 years ago today. I wrote every day just a sentence or so of what we did each day while we dated. We bring out the little book each year in September, which was when we had our first date and read each day until our anniversary in December. We dated a whole 10 weeks before we got married. Emery asked me to marry him 2 weeks after our first date. We just knew we were right for one another from the very beginning and we knew God was leading us together. It's quite miraculous how we got together, but that is another story !
I am ever so grateful for this life of all around me. Emery and our children and now grandchildren, whose tiny hands reach up for me to hold them, and whose kisses make us all smile. We have a peaceful life, even amid challenges, we all feel the wings of Gods compassion embrace us, cover us with His unending love.
We do joke quite often that if our life was to be made into some kind of television show, it would be boring, which we think is just fine ! No drama, just the way we like it.
We have much to be thankful for....