Morning Ramble
Right now its only 73 (23C) out, which makes it feel a bit like fall time. Lots of talk going round these parts about how it seems more like September weather, than just August. Will all seem to be wondering if we have an early winter too, maybe a cold snowy winter. We need one of those, we are due for one.
Glancing out the window let me know it is time to turn from the computer and head out to do chores. The morning sky is growing darker by the moment.
I made the right choice, heading out to the barn to beat the rain. Nothing but a few sprinkles as I took care of the chickens, cats and dog. Still only sprinkles as Cinnamon hopped up on the milking stand. I was thinking about how slow she eats and wishing maybe today she would speed it up a bit so I could get back in the house before the down pour sets in. But no, she munched her grain more slowly than ever it seemed. In a flash the dull gray metal roof sounded as though rain drops were bombarding us from above, only looking out the barn, it was still only misting out. The momentary downpour stopped as fast as it started, but then happened again and again, this stop and start downpour of raindrops on the roof above me. Then I saw in the distance a squirrel running through the branches of a tree. Limbs would shake as he ran to and fro. There is a tree that hangs over the barn....I popped my head out of window and looked above us, sure enough, there was a little red squirrel looking square at me, chattering in dismay at me being so close to him. Cinnamon was now done eating and looking to be let loose from the stanchion. Licorice, standing at the gate anxious for her turn. About half way through Licorices breakfast the sky opened up and rain began to fall in buckets. By the time I reached the house, I was soaked. I put on a dry shirt and lit the lamps to chase away the darkness. Put the kettle on for tea and took a loaf of banana bread out of the freezer. Time to have some food.
I can hear the thunder rumbling in the heavens. Windows were opened early this morning, no need for air conditioning today. I love the windows open. It feels good to change the air in the house after months of having things closed up.
Its a good morning to do some sewing, or maybe some spinning. The house is all tidy, so no big house cleaning projects needed. Yes, it will be just a simple quiet day today.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy day