It is in the simple things of life....
Each day that I walk our land, see birds fly over head, hear the clucking of hens, see kittens wrestling in the grass, breath in fresh air, hear the breeze stir the leaves, feel the shining goats hair under my hand as I pet them. See flowers in bloom and new life springing from the newly revived land after the rains, it is these things that gladden my heart and let me know that it is in the simple things, we find a quiet joy. It is in the tiny hands that reach out for Grammie, melting my heart just the same way my own children did and still do but now they do it with loving words, kind deeds and the upstanding way they live their lives.
It is in the simple daily things that Emery does for me that adds up to deep and profound love. Oh yes, the special gifts and such are wonderful, but what is better is when his voice is so kind and gentle and in the deep and loving way he watches me from across the room when I am busy cooking or some other daily task. It is in the daily hand holding and the compassion he shows for his family at all times, its consistent, not rare.
It is in such things as the way the bare wooden floor shines in the afternoon sun and the way the clothes dance in the breeze as they hang on the line. It is the smell of fresh baked bread and the look on Stevens face when he saw the pumpkin pie last night for dessert. It is the ordinary that fills us full.