Evening Rest
It was humid out so there was sweat on my brow. Emery came through the gate and took over the job and I sat under the cotton wood tree which is leaved out. A mocking bird sang over head and there was a constant soft clucking from the chickens as they hunted for bugs outside the garden fence.
It felt a bit like heaven to light the lamps and sit down with a nice cold glass of water, work boots kicked off and my bare toes glad to be free. The house is clean, the chores all done, the front lawn seeded and now I can sit for the evening. There is a special peace that has come with sundown. A silence and a softness that can't easily be described.
I have made 12 baby nightgowns and 14 pair of fleece booties for charity today because it is too cold to work out in the yard. Maybe the weekend will bring some 50 degree weather.
i enjoy your pictures, and encouragement. Thanks,
ps. I live in Texas city
Welcome to my blog and hope you come back often.
Oh you are near the ocean, how nice. Being near the ocean is something I miss.
Just that mop and glo stuff. But the floors have a good thick coat of polyurathane on them which helps keep the shine up. Since they are just plywood stained, they need the poly so I can wash them easily.
Bet you slept well after all that work yesterday!