A Deep Breath

Chore time, red mud boots sticking out from under my long skirt, denim and a pink and blue print with garden tools on it, the boots don't match, but they do the job. My old green chore jacket, torn a bit under one arm, pockets filled with bits of hay and a few odd items. A bit like what you would expect in a small boys pockets, a pretty rock, an old key ring, that sort of thing.
Dirt covered work gloves flopping out of another pocket. This jacket is like an old friend. It has kept me warm in the middle of the night when a goat was having trouble kidding. It has kept me cozy while playing Frisbee or working on some special project.
I went outside, camera hanging around my neck, expecting to capture the beauty of new roses or of the tiny chicks just getting their first feathers, but what I saw, took me aback. Maybe a sign, a lesson, a reminder of what I had written about this morning. A huge branch of a tree broken, so close to Emery's work shop. Right in the place were we have worked so many times in the last month. I don't know when it happened. I didn't notice it being down yesterday and its really kind of hard to miss. Maybe it happened this morning or last night. Whatever, this fallen tree branch felt surreal to me. It reaches all the way to the ground, it would have hurt someone seriously had there been someone under it. I took in a deep breath... thankful for life.
the tree
some of our roses in bloom
a garden squirrel
a warm cup of cappuccino after chores were done


Unknown said…
Wow. That tree does look scary. I hate when stuff like that happens and you don't know about it. Or maybe that is a good thing. I wonder, sometimes, how often the Lord protects us from stuff we don't even have an inkling about. And then I'm glad I don't know... ;-)
Iowa Gal said…
Do you make your cappuccino from scratch?? If so would you share your recipe??
Mimi said…
The Lord has protected you once again...before you even knew it was to happen...
Patty said…
Hi Iowa Girl,
I have an espresso machine ($2 at Goodwill) that has a milk frother.
So I just simply make some espresso, steam some milk, with froth at the top. I use about 50/50 espresso to milk. I add a bit of sugar or flavored italian syrup and thats that. Sprinkle a little garnish of cocoa powder or cinnamon on the foamy warm milk and its ready to enjoy.
Dana and Daisy said…
It looks like you make a mean cup of cappuccino! Yumm. maybe the high winds and the near miss fromt he tornado damaged your tree and it eventually fell from a slight wind later? Your roses are so pretty.
Dana and Daisy said…
Reading your tip for cappuccino making, I similarly like a little more milk than traditionally made. I was told a true cappuccino is one part espresso, one part steamed milk, one part foam. That's a really good deal you got on your machine. Bravo!

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