Another Reminder for Myself

I need to re-read my own words, inspire myself with some "right in the face" observations that I made a year and a half ago but lost my way. Life is a journey and sometimes we get a bit lost on the trail and end up going around in circles until we find our way. Yes, I can make excuses for myself saying that the past year has been more than difficult for me, but in honesty, it would just be one more excuse .
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
For well over a year now I have been for the most part following the way of life as described in the book, French Women Don't Get Fat by Its changed so many thought patterns that I held on to that didn't serve me very well. I have been slowly loosing weight and feeling good.
Yesterday in doing a bit more reading about the way French women take care of themselves and I came across the books of Anne Barone. Her web site is filled with great information too
http://www.annebarone.comFor well over a year now I have been for the most part following the way of life as described in the book, French Women Don't Get Fat by Its changed so many thought patterns that I held on to that didn't serve me very well. I have been slowly loosing weight and feeling good.
Yesterday in doing a bit more reading about the way French women take care of themselves and I came across the books of Anne Barone. Her web site is filled with great information too
Its no secret to the world that the French folks have lower incidence of heart disease and are much slimmer than Americans, yet they eat so well.In reading through the web site of Anne Barone, some things just really hit home. The closet and clothes for one. I made changes this morning in that direction. Two huge trash bags full of things to go to Goodwill.
To be really honest, when I see a woman all put together, there is this thought pattern that pops up each time. The dialog in my mind is something like this...." she looks so nice, but she must have money and time, and I am fatter than her anyway, and could I dress like that and weed the garden ? Oh well, I seem to like tee shirts and pants with elastic waist, (no, I am never really that honest to think about the elastic waist at that moment)." Thoughts to justify my laziness in my appearance. Its not about vanity, although I use that one too. You know, "oh she must be so vain" . I don't think the women in my family were vain, just meticulous and careful. So it goes. When in honesty what I really mean is...."Wow she looks great, I am jealous, wish I was disciplined enough to get dressed nicely to go the store. I am lazy about my clothes. At Goodwill I could have pretty dresses to wear in the garden that cost less than new tee shirts and those elastic waist pants that never let me know when I have gained a few extra pounds or eat too much.....Oh yeah, those moments of "modest equates frumpy" moods where the clothing styles mimic sacks of potatoes. Wait a minute, Orthodox Jewish woman are modest to the hilt but gorgeous, guess no excuse then. Time to dump all those ill fitting jumpers that were the rage among homeschoolers a decade back. Oh the fabric we all used (groan). Where did the laziness enter my life regarding how I look ? I really like that Emery dresses so nice all the time and it makes me feel good to be out with him, why don't I dress nicer for him ?" So the mind goes. I just need to figure out the shoe thing. Comfort and chic might be hard to find.
I love that the women in my family were so well appointed and cared for how they looked. The old pictures are a joy to look at . It wasn't just vanity, its good mental health to feel good about yourself.
I read these things from Anne Barones web site and see wisdom there.
From the web site regarding her latest book, " Armoire, Boudoir, Cuisine & Savvy"
The Slim Armoire Technique
Chic French women have small, carefully-planned wardrobes that fit into one small armoire. With only a few pieces, they are always appropriately dressed. They always look marvelously chic.
American women have huge closets stuffed with clothes. They frequently complain that they have “nothing to wear.” They do not always appear appropriately dressed. They do not always look chic.This technique will help you rid your closets of the excess and design a small, basic wardrobe so you will look attractive and be appropriately dressed for all your lifestyle activities. You may find, as many women have, that getting rid of the excess in your closet will help you get rid of excess fat on your body. A slim armoire can help you achieve and keep a slim body.
The Boudoir Technique
When a chic French woman feels stressed and exhausted, she often retires to her boudoir. A boudoir helps a French woman look chic and stay slim.When an American woman feels stressed and exhausted, she will often push herself to keep going. She may eat a high sugar/high carbohydrate snack for a quick energy. Stress and exhaustion plus eating for energy and comfort adds calories that make it difficult for her to stay slim.
This technique will show you how women, in the past, have used a French style boudoir to be chic and stay slim. It will also guide you in designing your own boudoir, or boudoir space, so that you too can enjoy great boudoir benefits.
The Slim Pantry Technique
Chic French women shop daily or almost-daily for food that will be consumed at meals that day or the next. They do not keep large quantities of food on hand. Little food is available snacking.Americans buy far more food than their household could possibly consume. Much of this excess is high-calorie convenience food whose overconsumption contributes to excess weight and obesity.
This technique guides you in reducing the amount of food you keep on hand, especially junk food that can make you fat. Then, it guides you in designing a Slim Pantry of good food to keep you chic and slim.
The Savvy Technique
Chic French women are savvy about making their lives happy, pleasure-filled and successful.Some American women, though intelligent and well-educated, often are not savvy in the way they set about working toward their life goals.This technique is designed to help you develop chic French savvy so that you can have a life that is happy, pleasure-filled and successful."
Pretty impressive ideas and I plan on implementing them right away.
Here is a quote for the day....."True elegance is always new —it calls for rediscovery and reinvention of one’s individuality". Véronique Vienne French Style