Morning Has Broken
Morning Has Broken is one of my favorite songs. Now to be honest I like it sung by Cat Stevens best. Shows my age to be sure. One nice thing about getting up early in the morning is seeing the sun come up, the moon set, and then you get to see the reverse at night. Its like having 4 amazing moments each day. This morning the moon was so round and full as it set in the west. I ran out of the house bare foot to get the shot of it, and its only 31 out. I didn't linger out there though. My feet are farm girl feet, tough, but they still feel the cold. After taking the moon shots out the front door, I headed straight through the house to take the sunrise shot. I was a bit smarter by this point and had grabbed a coat and my mud boots before I headed out the back door. The sky looked so different. The moon made things seem chilly and cold with its white light against the dark sky. A snowball flung high in the dark blue sky. And the sun, well, it looked as though someone threw a hot coal up into the sky to warm the chilly morning. Now that I was fit to walk around a bit with my jacket and boots on I could enjoy the moment. The whole time I was out there, despite puppy Fergus energy expended on jumping on and around me, I kept hearing the words to Morning Has Broken. Getting up early is certainly worth it, as long as you take the time to enjoy it.
Morning Has Broken
"Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the world
Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight mine is the morning
Born of the one light eden saw play
Praise with elation praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day"
Judy L.