I read several blogs on a regular basis. Some are written by friends and we keep in touch through the comment section. I read what is going on in their family and where they are going and what they are doing and they do the same through my blogs. Its fun. Other blogs I read are inspirational and just simply a joy to read.
There is one blog I read and to be honest I am not sure why. Its dark and moody. Full of this persons regrets or feelings of being overwhelmed. Part of the reason I read this blog, is I think, to keep looking for an improved forecast of how they see life. And her writings push me. They make me run from having any of that kind of thinking in my life. I don't deal well with depressed people or the "woe is me" kind. But I do know that these folks inspire me to be more grateful, more optimistic, more joyful and simply happier.
At Christmas time, more than at any other time of the year, our hope should reign supreme. It is advent. It is the time of year when we recount the incredible hope of a new born savior. It is a time when we can look fully at the Mercy of God who made a plan to give us all salvation. And on a purely non-religious view, its a time of family, friends, delightful sounds and sights. Christmas lights, glistening snow, shopping with joy for a loved one. Stockings hung with anticipation. Yes, there is greed, and spoiled children and commercialism, but they hold you down only if you allow them to. The power of the negative is in its ability to take you away from seeing good in your life.
I can sit back in my rocker, warm fire glowing, look around my house and feel total contentment. I just think of the love that surrounds me. Healthy wonderful children, grown and maturing into people that make a difference in the world. I have a husband who adores me and I him. There is so much to be grateful for. I have a warm bed, food on the table, health, love, hope, friends, family, and I feel joy.
Also so much to anticipate. More love, more blessings, more grace sufficient to handle any situation available to us. There is always joy to be found, even in sorrow and loss if we look honestly to see the Masters Hand in everything.
We have candles in the windows, electric ones that burn all night. They make the house look warm and inviting and many a stranger has sought our help through the years simply by seeing a light in the window. A book could be written on those experiences alone. At Christmas time, the candles take on a more significant meaning. My mother, of blessed memory, used to keep a votive candle burning in a window at Christmas time. A candle to signify the watching for the messiah. She used a ruby red glass votive holder and it seemed so holy to me as a child and I would sit in a chair by the window and just look at it for hours. When the candle had burned down low, the flickering flame appeared so red through the glass. It was like some great eternal flame.
As I look at my candles burning in the window, I think of my personal hope in this messiah, and my hope for His return, and my hope for the new year that is so fast approaching.
Let despair find no foot hold in your life but let blessed assurance and gratitude fill your life.


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