I am reading " God's Little Devotional Book for Women" . On page 30 there is a little quote that is profound.
"Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere." I chuckled to myself when I read it. Its profoundly true and most times our worry is far worse than what actually happens.
By nature, worry is not a problem for me. Certainly I worry about my children, their safety, their choices in life etc. But generally I am not a worry wort. I did have about two years of dealing with one of our adopted sons that put me over the edge with worry and fear. He is a deeply troubled person and very violent. He was from the very day he came to our house. But even with his threats of killing us etc, my worries grew beyond anything I had ever experienced. The unknown had me living on edge. Most times, the Lord made a way for us and we were kept safe. My worry was more a waste of time than anything else. Many times I spent days worrying about what might happen next and then God provided an escape and nothing bad happened. Maybe difficulties came up but our lives were continually spared. We needed to be watchful but not sit in the rocker of worry, getting no place. Seek the will of God and search His word for the answers. Put the worry away and trust in Him.
For myself, I learned a lot from those years of hardship and no longer worry about the things that cannot be changed since they cannot be changed nor do I worry about the things that can be changed, for if the situation can be changed, then you just change it.