I just saw on the news that this is the first time ever that TOYS are number two for Christmas shopping gifts. It seems children now want IPODS, Computers etc starting at a very early age. They showed 6 year olds talking to Santa and they all wanted electronics.
I just finished reading " A Little House Christmas Treasury" which is a compilation of Little House on the Prairie stories from all the books. The stories seem like such a contrast to what I heard this morning. The Ingalls children were delighted beyond words for a peppermint stick, new mittens and one year even their very own tin cup.
I do understand we not longer live in a world like that but seems like there should be some middle ground. Children today seem so greedy and needy.
I never see little girls taking their dolls shopping with them, or hear about little girls wanting a nice doll carriage etc. Do little boys really haul wagons around behind them collecting things any more ?
Even in my day, Christmas was much more simple and involved toys and such things as hand made mittens and hats. I loved getting mittens for Christmas. The more mittens you had meant you could play out in the snow longer, coming in to switch wet mittens for dry ones. Seems like the ones I got were always bright variegated yarn and had a crocheted string attaching the mittens so you could put them through the sleeves of your coat and not loose them.
Maybe with this switch from toys to electronics, Santa needs to change his looks and profile from a happy old man to a young slender geek.
In the picture I am the one on the right. My dolls name was Tammy a "drinkie Walkie" doll I got for christmas one year . I also got the English doll pram on Christmas when I was a kid and it was so special to me. It was a large doll carriage and had two larger wheels just like a real pram does and a curved handle. I Would walk my dolls down the street to the nursing home and visit with the old people there. They loved my dolls as much as I did !