Count Your Blessings Monday

It's getting late, but still enough time to count my blessings Monday. Today the blessing I want to count is my children. What a joy they are to me. Having supper at Steven and Priscilla's house tonight with Melanie, Casi and Mei-Ling was such a wonderful evening. Watching everyone interact, listening to the conversation about childhood memories and hearing how much they enjoyed their childhood, knowing how much it will influence their own parenting of this new generation. We all just wished Melissa and James were there too.
Our children give us such good reason to Count our Blessings on this Monday and every day !


Marci said…
Children and families are a blessing. Thanks for taking part Pat!!
Pearl said…
I have been praying for your family daily ever since Marci posted about Mei-Ling. What a special blessing family is!

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