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Oranges and Cloves
Every year after Thanksgiving, my mother would poke cloves into oranges, enough to fill a very old wooden bread kneading bowl and place them on the radiator in the front hallway, it would fill the room with the most delightful smell all winter long. I loved how the old fashioned look of this decoration, it made me think of olden days and how I loved that feeling then and still do. Every year since I was married, we have done the very same thing, now though, its up to me to do the work since the children are gone and have their own homes to make these lovely pomanders for. Today is just the perfect day for such a job and although our home has no warm radiators to set a bowl of these spicy delights, I will set them near the wood stove and fill our home with wonderful smells. For the best scent, fill the entire orange with cloves, lemons work too, but I have always thought orange and clove is the best combination !Here is the link to my first post about making these orange and clove pomander balls
I love to read of your homey touches that take the best in nature and warm our homes. With two little girls, a kidney kid of my own who's home from school a lot, an 18-yr-old son I'm soaking up every minute with, and the chilly winter keeping us indoors, your projects are perfect memory-making experiences for us. My daughter even asked for a "candle-making kit" after we re-read your candle-making posts together. I couldn't order the beeswax in time for Christmas, but we'll make it a winter project, for sure. Thanks for sharing these wonderful things with us.