Wandering The Land
On my little walk I discovered another batch of hungry kittens, 6 to be exact. I am guessing the momma cats around this neck of the woods know there are always bowls on milk in the morning and there seems to be an endless supply of cat food, so it makes sense for them to come here and have their kittens. At present we have 11 cats if you count my two cats and the two litters of kittens. I have no idea what to do with them all. Love to have them all fixed and given to good homes. They are so cute. Not so sure we could afford to have 9 kittens fixed, but maybe we can figure something out for them. Maybe they just need to be taken to the animal shelter.
It is a sunless day which is fine, its not quite so hot. Melanie, Mei-Ling and their friend Matt came to visit for a while. We sat on the porch and visited for a bit. Mei-Ling danced to the music playing on my iPod. She has music deep in her soul and it is impossible for her to be still when its playing. She dances as if she and the music are one. Amazing to see on such a wee one.
Melanie is feeling a bit better these days so perhaps her morning sickness will not last the entire pregnancy as it did with Mei-Ling. What a blessing that would be.
Life is so full of beauty, we need only open our eyes to see it.
As a registered breeder of cats - I thought I'd let you know that kittens can come on call as young as 4 months. Also feral cats can have bugs which you wouldn't like your pet cats to get. Such as feline aids.
Here in New Zealand, we have SPCA I suppose like your cats shelter, they would come around to your home & collect the cats & kittens & also desex the kittens for you.
My advise would call the shelter & stop the unwanted pregnancy's.
Love Leanne
PS I soo love your photos! & read your blog daily.
I did a little research on a trap/neuter/return program that I had read about in the DMN. They had a list of links to other programs throughout Texas. I'm not sure what county you are in so I thought I would share the whole list. It's a little long so I'll e-mail it. As an alternative if none of these are a good fit you might contact a local vet and explain your situation. I would venture to guess that he would do the neutering for you at no charge. Most vets are passionate about doing anything they can to reduce cat/dog populations.
I know my mom had two feral males neutered at almost no cost to her (I think the vet charged about $20 each) when they lived out in the country.
Giving thanks that your daughter is feeling improvement...