Emery and I were talking about love last night. We were each thinking about how from the moment we started dating, both of us had a real desire to be our very best selves. For no other reason than to give the best we could for one another only it never seemed we were conscious of this, it just seemed that each of us brought out the best in one another, effortlessly. We decided last night that that is one of the true signs of love, of finding your soul mate as they say. Your "besheret" in Hebrew which in the talmud it says, that 40 days before the formation of a fetus, it is decreed in heaven which boy will marry which girl. It seems many folks are not asking God if this or that one is their besheret since the divorce rate is so high. Emery brings out the best in me, not by force, but by his very being and he says I do the same for him and together we are better together than apart and we are better to each other than we were to anyone else we dated prior to our dating. Love is an amazing thing and how miraculous it is when we do meet our soul mate. It was nothing more than a miracle that Emery and I started dating. The circumstances were beyond what was humanly possible. Each step feel into place by one miracle after another. How blessed we are and how wonderfully amazing love is.Yesterday morning there was a love note on my desk, tender and kind and so full of love and last night on the way home from a trip to Home Depot, Emery stopped and bought me flowers. It will soon be our 31st wedding anniversary and our love keeps growing. Making life so good, so enjoyable to wake each day. In all the years of our marriage Emery has never once said an unkind thing to me or raised his voice. Life is good and being in love makes it that much better.
We don't seem to have too many photos of us together since I am usually the one behind the camera, but here we are tired after hiking all day, a bit weary looking but so in love
From Utah,
Blessings, Aimee
PS: Congrats to your Melissa and hoping Melanie soon feels better--God is able.