There is a rhythm to my days
It is fed daily by such simple things as putting on my apron and carrying the milk pail out with me while the dew is still heavy on the grass each morning. The sound of the screen door banging shut and the song birds singing in the trees. The smell of bread baking or onions being sliced. The way the soil feels between my toes as I garden in my bare feet adds to this steadiness.
The numerous phone calls each day from my children and Emery, the sureness of their love. And there is faith and prayer too, constants that have held my hand amid fear and worry. There are ordinary things like the way I feel after having the furniture dusted and the floors washed make life feel as though I am travelling along some country road that has gentle rolling hills, familiar from travelling them so often.
I think you have to be peaceful in order to feel these things. Quiet in a world of so much noise and confusion.
Last night Emery was reading to me while we sat on the couch and although the story was a good one, it was more the sound of his deep and calming voice that held my attention. He would look over at me from time to time and there was nothing but love in his eyes and that too is such a part of this daily rhythm of my day.
Simple things, that have nothing to do with material gain or how big the house is or what kind of car we have. It has nothing to do with how much money we have or don't have. It has everything to do with embracing all the good in my life that has no price tag attached.