Kittens Have Arrived and no news yet
They are so cute and already they are all spoken for. Now miss Aya will be heading off to be fixed. Melanie wanted a couple kittens so we let Aya have a litter. Looks like the white cat from the neighbors may have had something to do with these kittens coming into existence !
No word yet on the test results. We had hoped to hear tonight so we would know how soon we can expect the baby to be born.
Melanie was a real trooper with the test. Not even a bat of an eyelid as the needle went in. Mei-Ling was not so pleased with the invasion of her space. Even though the Doctor kept the needle far away from her feet, she still kicked at him. As active as this wee one is now, everyone is joking that she will just walk from the nursery to see her mom when she wants to.
Melanie had some cramping after the test but they say that is normal.
Hoping we don't have to wait much longer for this bundle of joy.