The Joy of Life
This morning, I woke to rain drops falling on the roof, chores to be done and then lots of things that need to be done in the house. Ironing, cleaning, de-cluttering etc etc etc... I decided to be grateful that I have the ability and health to accomplish these things, and then headed out the back door to the world that fills me with awe each and every day. A great blue heron flying over low. Iris blooming. The scent of roses filling the air. Goats and chickens anxious to see me, yes, I know its because I am feeding them, but the goats do seem to be fond of me in a more human like way. The little kids leaping about from tree stump to tree stump and then they decide to jump all over me with their muddy little hooves, so much for my clean jeans !
Sitting on the stanchion to milk Licorice, I notice squirrels playing in the trees and hear birds chirping. The kittens in the barn are just now moving about and meowing loudly for mom to come to their aid. I love the sound of the milk filling the shinning stainless steel milk pail.
The milking barn smells of hay, sweet feed and milk. Good things.
After milking and animal chores are done, I head to the garden. Its muddy after the rain and large drops fall from the trees above me, small puddles falling on my head, or so it feels.
I hunt to find asparagus in the grass, and once again find more than enough for today's eating. The long tender stalks fill the corner of the basket, leaving lots of room for roses. Grateful for my boots in the wet grass. The basket fills with heavenly scented pink, yellow and red roses. Far nicer than those that can be purchased in the store. These roses smell so good, maybe the kind of scent they have written fine poetry about. There is great joy in this day and it is but young. Life is good ! So many things to count as blessings.