A View of My Morning
A bright orange blossom
A watchful Harry, who has turned out to be an amazing watch dog !
A patient goat, waiting for her turn to be fed. Both goats very near to kidding time
Gray sky, soft looking, like a fleece.
A blue eyed cat, hiding on a shelf, behind baling wire in the barn
and then there were so many more things not captured with the camera.
A kite (the bird) flying low over head.
A red headed woodpecker, drumming out his own tune on the black walnut tree.
The rich brown earth yielding to the hoe.
Fresh, clean air filling my lungs.
A song in my head, filling me with peace.
The morning chill in the air, making rosy cheeks.
And all for free !
I just love to visit here..you are amazing.
We woke up to snow on the ground. It did mostly melt off, but it snowed on and off all day. It is supposed to hit 18 tonight. :)
After my brother and I left home, my parents had Nubian goats on the farm. I know when the female gave birth, it was to twins. Are your goats expecting twins?
Loved the pictures. Enjoyed the film clip even more!