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You know when you read something profound, a thought that never ever occurred to you, how it sticks with you and you mull it over and over in your mind trying to fully understand it ? That happened to me this past Sunday. I read about what we are like when we put away all the stuff we have been carrying with us that holds us back from being free enough to feel confident enough to go after the things we want in life. I am not talking "things" as in material things. Maybe becoming who we really want to be is a better way to put it. Suppose you didn't carry with you your families traditions that make you stay in a certain mind set or didn't belong to a religious system that carried with it elements of tradition that had nothing to do with your own personal spiritual way ? You can even take this to cultural aspects and even race. Imagine yourself brand new, no preconceived ideas on what you can and cannot do ? Imagine you are free to discover things with no baggage ? Its an amazing concept and one that takes some doing to wrap your mind around it. I am sure with being able to look at life fresh and new without all the preconceived notions we have, we would accomplish more, feel free in helping more, doing more for others without judgments that we have heard about from parents, ministers, society and our education. Of course we all need parameters and I know that, this is not about that aspect of freedom, but its about living our life without all the stuff we have inherited that doesn't serve us well in life.