True love doesn't need fancy gifts to find true expression. It is so often the small simple gifts that say the most. I would much rather have the consistent tender look, the day to day gentleness and a godly man by my side whose heart was always after the things that matter in life than one day of fancy candy and expensive roses. I would rather have a husband that gave to the poor rather than take me to a fancy restaurant. Don't get me wrong, I like that little box of chocolates and a special meal together on this day, but not anything beyond what we normally do or that takes from the higher calling in life to help those in need. Emery is thoughtful, and there is always a gift of perfume and some flowers, but not the expensive ones. Something you could find at Wal-Mart works just fine for me. Anything grand would make me uncomfortable, when I know there are so many in need for the basics in life and that is so much more important. I am today celebrating being in love with a man that has never said one unkind word to me in our 30 years of marriage and who is a dedicated father and who never makes himself center stage. Whose hand is never idle and who has worked tirelessly for us and has always lived a life that is humble and kind. Never once putting himself first. Showing us what the love of Jesus is like. Thoughtful and kind and so full of love. This means so much more to me than a fancy box of candies, expensive gifts and the like.
Love, Dana and Daisy