A Strange Sort of Day
If you think of it, say a prayer for baby Kayla and her family. They are a young plain family and as is their way, they may not have insurance, so this will be difficult for them financially too.
It is a warm morning but still I want to wrap in a blanket on the sofa and feel some added security that comes from such a place.
The times we are living in right now are difficult and uncertain. We know we should support the economy by shopping to keep up the demand and thus help keep folks employed, but we want to save, be prepared, and build a stronger nest for what might come our way. Insecurity feels as though it has permeated every inch of our society and life as we once knew it.
But there is always light, there is always hope. There is always a better day coming and that is what we need to focus on and the knowledge. For me, I have my faith to carry me through this kind of day, this time in history.
Storm clouds and gray wool that reminds me of the sky
I love your new header picture....makes me feel likes spring!