A Morning Ramble

The sunshine is golden this morning, truly golden. Not yellow or pale orange as it is sometimes, but more like what you would see reflecting off a trunk of pirate gold on some movie. There are crows squawking to one another in the nearby trees and near the bird feeder, many tiny little birds are catching my eye with their quick movements from limb to limb and to the feeder and back. So many of them this morning !
The house is chilly and a small fire needs to be started to chase the cold morning air away, then unseasonably warm temps are due to arrive that will allow windows to be opened and the house to be aired out a bit. A good day for laundry too.
Once in a while I feel quite negative about the boldness of hypocrisy in some folks. Its such a disappointment to us to be let down by people that hold others to a standard that they don't keep themselves. Yes, of course I know that we are all human and to err is quite the norm and that is what forgiveness is about and I know about not judging folks and realize that right this second my own words are judgements on those I see as hypocrites, or maybe its not being judgemental but only recognizing what kind of fruit is on the tree. This week I had a visitor, so totally opposite of a hypocrite. Human nature has us find the need to talk about the negative so much more than the positive. We talk about the folks that shock and disappoint us so easily yet hardly mention those folks that inspire us with their humility. This woman is a dear old friend that is to me pretty close to a saint, she would be shocked to hear me say that, since she is always draped in a mantle of humility. She is kind, giving, loving, patient and so forgiving. Her service to others always seems to be so free flowing and more often than not, done in secret. And if I look at her and her life, I want to be more like her. Her fruit of the spirit is profoundly beautiful and nourishes the souls of all those around her. Never ever is there any condemnation from her, for anyone, no matter where they are or what they are doing. Her love, draws you to a place where you want to be better, do better, live better. She is a plain dressing woman, but you never get the idea she sees that as the only way, or has anything to do with salvation...it is simply who she is, nothing more and nothing less. She somehow makes her plain dress and headcovering not noticeable, but you feel a purity about her right away. She is the sermon we all would like to hear.
As I move through this day, I am sure I will think about this dear friends example and set it as my goal to be more Christ like.
Much to think about.
Time to do chores, feed the chickens, feed the goats, hay them, work a bit in the garden, we are preparing to plant onions, snow peas and potatoes this weekend. I hope to make some bread today too. I have had a few emails asking for a good bread recipe so I will re-post the Amish White Bread recipe in a bit. Its a no fail recipe and good for even the beginner.
I have sewing to do and dishes in the sink from yesterday. What I would love to do, is just sit on the front porch with my spinning wheel and enjoy the sunshine....maybe for a while I can do that too.
Life is good, it is busy, but it is sweet. It is full of simplicity and quiet.


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