The Wee One Is Going To Be O.K.

Thank you all for the prayers. Mei-Ling is going to be fine, it was not malrotation, the thing we all dread so much with her. At the hospital, she is on the computer as a high priority patient so they didn't have to wait at all to have her seen. They did all kinds of tests and x-rays and determined it was not malrotation but think it might be the stomach flu and or that she is still rather blocked up, so they upped her dose of laxative. Cook Children's hospital is such a wonderful place, knowing that Mei-Ling was rushed in by ambulance the staff knew that Melanie did not have time to grab the diaper bag and the babies clothes were soiled from being so sick. The nurse went out of the room for a bit then came back with a brand new, tags still on them, clothes from Wal-Mart for Mei-Ling. Its those little things that just make the hospital different. God bless the Nurses and the Doctors, the support staff, all those that donate so much for the children there and to all of you for your prayers for our wee one.


Sylvia K said…
I am so happy and relieved for all of you! and what a wonderful thing for the nurse to do. It helps to hear stories like these in the sad times that we live. I will continue to hold good thoughts for all of you.
Anonymous said…
Oh So Glad to hear she is doing ok. What a wonderful nurse to do something so nice. God Bless them.
Towanda said…
What wonderful news about Mei Ling; I am sure all of you are so relieved.

As a nurse, it gives me such a warm feeling to hear of a nurse being so thoughtful.
mikesgirl said…
Wonderful! Thanks for letting us know.
Glad to hear that she is okay. Nancy
Susan Godfrey said…
I know what you mean about Cooks. Riley spent his first 9 days there as well as had 4 eye surgieries and neurosurgery there. I can't recommend that hospital HIGHLY enough.

Glad to hear Mei Ling is doing alright, I'll continue praying =-)
R. Aastrup said…
Hi Patty--

I'm glad to know that Mei Ling is better. That's a wonderful thing the hospital/nurses do for worried parents. Very thoughtful. Makes me miss our own hospital here. People used to say things like that about the care there. I didn't realize it while working there, but I have often heard about it around town since. Even now, people remember the kindnesses.
Dana and Daisy said…
I was not home to read this when it was happening. I'm so glad she is okay.
Unknown said…
I am happy to hear that Mei-Ling is doing better. What a wonderful hosiptal.

The Stricklands said…
I am so thankful that sweet little one is better and back at home.
Good news about Mei-Ling...I continue to pray for for.
Renee said…
So wonderful to hear everything turned out well. Will continue to pray for you all.
PlainCatholic said…
Am so very glad the sweet bairn is recovering. God bless her with a quick healing!
Patricia said…
Pat, I just read your email and rushed to your site to see if Mei-Ling is ok. I am so very happy to hear she is going to be fine. whew. I can only imagine how frightened all of you must have been.

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