Sunday Hikes, Glen Rose, Texas

The morning was just too pretty to stay inside, so with a few quick preparations, Emery and I were ready for a day of hiking. A quickly made lunch of whole wheat tortillas spread with cashew butter, sprinkled with raisins and rolled up tight. Along with some chocolate peppermint soy milk to drink, ginger, nuts and a couple apples to snack on. We were set.
We headed off to Dinosaur Valley to check the water levels and the trails. Today you could see all the dinosaur prints quite easily since the water level has dropped significantly since our last trip there. After a nice little hike we felt the need for some more adventure so headed off to Mineral Wells, Texas. A bit of a drive but worth it.

This is called the Blue Hole, an old Native American Bathing and washing spot in Glen Rose, the water is deep in spots but tranquil, except for the snakes !
Along the bed rock just under the water line are many dinosaur foot prints
Natures Velcro

Next are some pictures of one of the trails and then of the dinosaur prints and finally, our lunch


Marianna said…
Oh, that old homesick feeling again. I think I read your blog somedays just to get my fix from home!


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