No Matter How Hard I Want It, Fall weather is not arriving
We are doing fall time chores no matter that it still feels like August. Emery had been puttering around the place much of the weekend, taking inventory of the jobs yet to be done before the winds of change do indeed arrive. The squirrels have not put on thick furry tails, their normal summer tails have remained. I miss having our horse... that animal was the most reliable forecaster of what kind of winter we were to have. His coat told us all we ever needed to know about what to expect for the coming winter months.
We had the television on last night for a moment that is, nothing pleasant. The ads for upcoming shows were filled with angry people or unhappy people or violence. We decided its time to put the thing away for ever. We will relegate the squawk box to a far off room to be used in tornado season for storm information. But honestly we felt there just is not enough worth while on the thing. We lived for years without one and did just fine, better actually.
I have no problem with people who love their televisions and find it to be good company, its just not for me. Yes, there is cable with cooking shows etc but we don't have cable, don't want cable.
I don't want one more thief of my time lurking around here, the computer has managed to steal enough of my time !
Off to make an apple pie for dessert, or maybe make it our evening meal. Why not, its fruit, and dairy, that sounds healthy enough and bedsides its just plain good tasting.
Oh yeah, the TV thing. I am so mad at TV. We try and watch dancing with the stars with our kids and have to watch the commercials for the gross shows like the bachelor, and desperate housewives with mostly naked women and raunchy scenes. It makes me furious. I stick to Netflix and order the TV series once they are over for us to watch without commercials, like Dr. Quinn, or LHOP -- stuff like that.
i love your decorations - it looks really lovely!
and i noticed that we are the same age ... :o) ... young chicks, aren't we!
blessings on you!
as far as the cold weather goes... we very seldom have any... a heavy sweater is about as cold as it gets!!!
I would love to be having some of your beautiful foliage!!!
(A) according to the site you linked for the RealAge test, eating sweets AFTER a meal causes your body to store more of it as fat (insulin reaction and such) so that means EAT DESERT FIRST! Right?
(B) when my favorite uncle was dying of lung cancer, he told my daughter that the secret to life was to always EAT DESERT FIRST and then if you were still hungry, eat your veggies. He was joking, but at the same time, he really meant it...that if he had life to live all over again with his knowledge, he'd have not denied himself the sweet things.
So, I hope you ate that apple pie for supper! I think it makes perfect sense.
Love those pictures, especially the one of the dining room. We have the same high chair for our grandkids! I got it for ten dollars at a church sale. The tray was a mess, but DH refinished it and it is beautiful. No vinyl and chrome high chairs here.