Hometeading, Simple Living, The How's and Why's

If you keep your dreams alive, often times you get them. I did. We gave it all up and moved to the mountains of Oregon. Lived in the woods, in the mountains. But it wasn't to be permanent for us, God had other plans and after a year we were here in Texas, motivated by the life we had in Oregon to maintain that life style here. We purchased a home, a simple one, some land with it, but not as much as we wanted, but we knew without a doubt God wanted us to be in this house. It was run down, had to be practically rebuilt. It was the house to get us away from debt though. The girls could have their goats, we could have chickens and a pony.
Now, its not easy for some to move from "having" to "not having". Simple living is about living less stressed, less in need of things, less in need of what glossy magazines and catchy ads on television tell you you need. I know for sure that its more of a mindset than just living on a farm.
The best illustration I know to describe the willingness to live simply is towels. Yup, towels is what I wrote. By now you are scratching your head wondering what in the world I am talking about. Simple living is about knowing the difference between want and need. Its about being honest with yourself. Its about living with no debt, no credit card payments to worry about, no mortgages, no car payments. Its about investing in other people when you have extra money, its about having compassion greater than your wants. So back to the towels. If you go to someones house that claims to be all into simple living and living humbly on this land and caring about people and they have big expensive fluffy towels in their bathroom, then they have not figured out the difference between want and need. Cheap, wal-mart towels dry your bones just as good as the fluffy ones and the difference in price is the difference between buying what is meeting a need and what is just plain old want. I suspect Ma on Little House in the Prairie never had the idea that she HAD to have fluffy towels to dry her and the family.
Buying into the mentality that we have to have 800 count cotton sheets to sleep is down right silly. Simple living is about knowing what really brings happiness, and its not in the bigger and better. It's in living without fear of "can I make this payment" or "what if John lost his job". Its knowing you can survive on the minimum. And no car payment is worth sleepless nights. No dress or shoes are worth trying to hide the bill from your husband. Simple living is about living simply without caving into peer pressure, yes, adults have to deal with peer pressure, we just don't call it that. We just say, "my friend has one and I love it so I want it." Simple living is about counting the mental cost of every item you have. What did it cost in stress ? Did you regret buying it, have to take it back, end up giving it away ? Simple living is about counting that cost before you take the plunge and mindlessly spend or spend with a "gutta have it" feeling . I do have some pretty things around the house, but they are not bought at a cost that keeps taking from us. By that I mean we saved up, or had the money in hand and thought about it long and hard before we got it. Goodwill is not always a think long and hard deal, but its never over the top spending, $2 or $3 at most.
By the way, our towels are not the fluffy variety and they don't even follow a color scheme.
Homesteading, simple living was a moral issue for us. We wanted our children to grow up knowing the value and practicality of hard work, knowing that God is the giver of what we need, not that Dad just opens his wallet and voila, you have what you want. We wanted for our children to see the connection of planting and harvesting. We wanted them to know that quiet family evenings were priceless and that home made toys and forts were of the best in the world.
We still want that for the next generation. We still want to know that there is nothing as good as sitting by the wood stove, lamps lit, quiet talk, not a care in the world about bills or feelings of guilt because we spent money on a new car when the one we have works, and the neighbor down the road has no food on her table for her children. Simple living for us, started as a dream with me, became a need for the life we wanted, and has become a moral issue for us personally. Its all about fluffy towels : )
This life is not for everyone, and please don't think I am telling you all how to live, I am just saying its how we see it, how we did it, still do it. Its what works for us, morally and stress wise. Its old fashioned, its practical, its simply good living for us.
A Comment from Amy concerned about the judgemental tone of this post when I wrote about simple living being a moral issue for us, specifically in regarding spending for luxuries, made me think of the verse in Matthew 19: 21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." We have tried to live with this verse in mind, in as much as we can with family responsibilities. It makes me wonder if much of the world views Christ as judgemental for asking this young man to do such a thing. I honestly don't feel right about buying luxury items when people are suffering and I can help. I am not perfect at this, I too fall prey to the wants at times. I am not trying to sound judgemental, I am just writing about how I see things. It's how I feel. What I personally feel is not some demand that everyone should feel the same. Its simply a statement of my belief.
Buddha said....."To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance". Was he too being judgemental ?
I have to say this ..
It blows my mind that folks take what you say as judgmental.. and also the fact this is YOUR blog and your not here to please folks.. your here for you .. plain and simple..
I read what you wrote..twice and in NO way did I read anything judgmenatal..
In fact I say "preach it sister!"
Follks like that would flip if they came to my blog lol..
Your being honest with your self and your feelings.. maybe folks need to sit down and take a good long look at them selfs also..
because if this hit some one with in them to the point they posted on your blog then what your saying is hiting something that they might not want look at.. but should..make sense..
Keep on keeping on..
{{{hugs from TN}}}
Patty say what is in your heart and mind!
however I am afraid that I am not adept at the weaving your own cloth..etc etc..and I wonder if your children are continuing to live the same plain life style after they are married that you do..
and do you live in a small town?
do more posts on this life style because it fascinates me.. and I say more power to you!!!
BTW, I concur with Mimi. Do more of these posts. You keep me challenged!
I don't begrudge anyone their little luxuries, as long as they are paid for, and they can afford to be self reliant, and not look to others, or the government to care for them.
I don't want to be judged, and I try to live and let live.
I don't think you were being judgmental, in this post, I think you were just pointing out what is important to you. Others might think that a garage sale oil lamp will give as much light as one that is expensive, and that eating on plastic plates works as well as on china, but that is their problem, not yours. I think that even Mary Engles probably had at least one "extravagant" treasure that was brought across the prairie, carefully wrapped and used as a reminder that everyone has their little piece of Eden to make them feel special.
Lets see, Melissa and James live in rural vermont but are not really into farm life, they are both busy young people just starting out. Melissa is a school teacher. She cooks from scratch, has her spinning wheel handy, walks to work and to the stores. Melanie and Casi live close to us, and when she and I were out together today the talk was about what kind of goats she wants to get.
Steven and Priscilla live on acreage but are so far from wanting to grow a garden and have animals that we wonder if Steven is really our son (Giggle) He drives a BMW, used of course, but lives like a yuppie mennonite. I am always teasing him about his life style. However Priscilla cooks from scratch and sews all her clothes and quilts.
Time will tell on just how far they all go with living the simple life, after all they have all been married such a short time.
I DID buy a set of 1000-count bed sheets earlier this year - they were end of season and an absolute bargain (I could never afford full price for them, or even half price!) and I must say they are very very very nice to sleep on :-)
I love hearing your thoughts about life and simplicity.
Your post was much more than just towels and sheets :) Thank you for sharing and please do continue to post on this topic. I have so much to learn!
Also... this is YOUR blog! You can write whatever you want on it. I haven't seen any posts where you have been nasty or openly criticized others. Your loving spirit shows through all of the posts, so keep on going and fighting the good fight :)
As for the example of buying towels at walmart, there are some who would say it is better to buy them more expensively from a small store that is run locally. There are many who are against the way large chain stores like Walmart are run. Personally, I would love to never shop at Walmart BUT I don't think I'd be able to raise a family of 5 (that will hopefully be getting larger) on a single income. I love staying home with my kids and shopping at all the local shops would mean I'd have to work outside the home too. (no I'm not saying all women should be stay at home moms, so don't anyone get mad at me)
The impression I DID get from your post was maybe people should start thinking more deeply about their choices. What is really important to them? For us it is not having debt, minimizing the number of payments we have, being able to spend time together, and for us it does also mean having some extra things that we really love. We happen to have loads of dvd's because we love to stay home and cuddle up and watch movies together. We don't have cable and our kids haven't expressed that they miss it. (that might change as they get older) For other people it might be fluffy towels to dry off after a long hot bath at the end of a hard day, and for others it's a pretty red oil lamp.
It can be hard to find the balance of what is really important and what is just showing off. We all need to just try to keep in mind what we will be thinking about our own lives when we are 90 and looking back on how we lived.
Good post Patty.
Its nice knowing that a. we're saving money by not using the dryer,b. we're doing out part in help walk lightly on the Earth and c. that we are blessed to be able to have the choice to do both line drying and dryer.. and we choose to do things simply.. not because we can ..
{{hugs from TN}}}