Gathering from Natures Pharmacy

Mullein growing with asparagus Fo Ti
Saint Johns Wort
Soap wort

The spring like weather has provided all that is necessary to promote the growth of the earths treasures. In walking my property today, I was astonished to see so many of natures pharmacy popping up. Some carefully planted and some just wild.
Not a day goes by for me that I am not consulting someone in regards to herbs for their health.
I love being able to share what I have learned in my 5 decades of life. We are here on this earth to share experience and make our age a thing to be valued. Our culture worships youth and that is a sad state of being. In this desire to look young, act young, be young so many are living lies. You cannot hide that you are aging and why would you want to ? And it is in this mind set that we loose the appreciation for the wisdom that accompanies wrinkles and gray hair. Embrace your aging and fight to maintain health in the older years !
On the side of those aging, if we spend our time seeking this fountain of youth, we forget to share the volumes of wisdom that can accompany age. Perhaps even we are too busy trying to be young that we don't even attain wisdom.
There is much to be said for cultures who value and respect what is their sages.
Here in pictures is a bit of what I have learned to value through the years. Medicines, free and easily attained.
To be used wisely and not with disregard.


Alena said…
These herbs look so fresh and lovely... I like the text as well, it is so true - the cult of youth is really so aggressive and present in our everyday reality.
Lucy said…
OOhh I see the nature is already beginning at your place.. Here was the last time 50 years ago that it is so cold ( freezing ) at this time of the year. But I know spring will come too. I see teh bulbs already comming out of the ground :c)
Christine said…
I'm proud of my gray hair! It's been well earned!!

I've got most of the same herbs growing too...except mullein and Fo Ti. Did you plant the mullein with the asparagus, or did it just pop up?

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