What is it, this word "Simple" ?

This afternoon I was thinking about the word simple....there is nothing simple about the word at all these days. There are so many applications, and it means so many things to so many people. To be honest, I am not so sure I can use that word to define myself. There is nothing simple about me, just ask my husband or children ! I am multifaceted, complicated at times, and ever changing, growing, stretching, reaching and climbing. Nothing simple in that.
I am not even sure I could say our life is simple or that the life we live can be called simple. Maybe we don't live in the mad rush of consumerism, but that doesn't make life simple.
When I looked up the definition for the word "simple" this is what I found...
Definitions of simple on the Web:
having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance"
elementary: easy and not involved or complicated; "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear Watson"; "a simple game"; "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem"
bare(a): apart from anything else; without additions or modifications; "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth"
childlike: exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity; "childlike trust"; "dewy-eyed innocence"; "listened in round-eyed wonder"
dim-witted: lacking mental capacity and subtlety
any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties
(botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
simpleton: a person lacking intelligence or common sense
unornamented; "a simple country schoolhouse"; "her black dress--simple to austerity"

Honestly, none apply...not even my attitude about our lifestyle is simple. There is nothing simple about swimming against the current when you choose to not buy into all the latest fads or gadgets. But, on the flip side there is nothing very simple about how other folks using the word simple about their lifestyle judge your level of simple living ! There is nothing simple about love, about ones philosophy, about ones goals, unless they happen to be the Dalai Lama which to me has it all together in simplifying his emotional connection to things. But I can't be him, I have children and grandchildren and a husband. I am attached to them ! I am uncomfortable when folks use me as an example of frugal living or simple living, because at times I am not frugal ! At times I am plain old materialistic. I have driven past mansions and wondered what it would be like to live in a house like that, dreaming and maybe even wishing. But at the same time I detest greed and materialism.
I don't like being stereotyped because I live life spherically and in many directions, which doesn't fit any kind of stereotype. I am a bit of a hippie, but I am a bit of a conservative at the same time. Actually I dislike labels. That must be the hippie in me : )


Anonymous said…
I think when Isay i live a simple life, it is because I find my life is not complicated or complex. It is open and flowing. Everyday is different. Everyday is unique. I also dislike labels. They place you in a box. Thank you for sharing your thoughs. They keep me thinking...

many blessings to you and yours,

Me said…
Stopped by to read your Daybook and read and enjoyed this post, too. I can identify with being a hippie conservative, or is it a conservative hippie? We can pick up a lot of different feelings and values through the years.
Dana and Daisy said…
Good morning Patty! I have a friend who says she is often described as multi-faceted and she laughs and says you mean fractured!
candy said…
Hi Patty :)
This was an interesting post! I hear what your saying.
I consider myself simple in that Im very plain. I say Id like to live simply meaning less materialistic. I dont mind labels at all. I like being referred to as simple lol

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