Not long ago I was perusing Oprah's message boards, looking for a particular theme I had heard about, but instead came across a new thread with the title, "Oprah is not a Christian". That intrigued me, so I stopped to read, eventually forgetting about my first purpose regarding another topic altogether. I read it and then smiled....person after person wrote about why they thought she was not a Christian and all the while I thought to myself, there is always someone that feels "more Christian" than another. Think about it, some think if you don't speak in tongues you are not really a Christian. Others say if you do speak in tongues you are not a Christian. Some say if you go to church on Sunday you are not really a bible Christian, then others say, if you don't go on Sunday you are not a Christian. Some say if you are divorced and remarried you are not really a Christian. Some say if as a woman, you cut your hair, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you don't cover your hair as a woman, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you listen to musical instruments you are not really a Christian. Some say if you eat certain foods you are not really a Christian. Others say if you don't eat everything with faith, then you are not a Christian. Some say if you believe in once saved always saved, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you do believe in once saved always saved, you are not a Christian. Some say if you dance you are not a Christian, others say if you don't dance unto the Lord, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you drive a car and have electricity, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you smoke or drink, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you use birth control, you are not really a Christian. Some say if you allow your children to go to public school, you are not a Christian. And some say if you read anything other than a King James Version Bible you are not really a Christan. Some say if you don't keep all the laws of the Bible, including as many of the 613 old testament laws as possible, (no sacrifices, means you can't keep them all) then you are not really a Christian. Wow, what a list, especially since one of the main tenets of Christianity is not to judge ! I had one lady tell me once I was not going to heaven because I ate CHEESE, and dairy would slow me down in the time of the end, which would not give me the strength to FLEE to the mountains which is the only safe place for true Christians, all others would be lost. In reading the message board I thought, wow, the people who are saying Oprah is not a Christian, (to which I have no personal opinion since I don't know the woman) can actually be judged in the same way by so many other Christians simply because, after all they are on the Internet, which many Christians think cannot be part of a Christians life. If you got down to it, there is probably someone somewhere that sees only themselves as a true Christian and all the rest is lost. I guess that must sort of sum up what Jesus was talking about when he said in Matthew 7
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
It was a lesson for me...Judging reaches so many levels. I am always learning, even when I have heard a verse over and over. There are times we forget to really apply it to ourselves and instead attach it to someone else. Makes us feel so much better ! Some days it just hits you square on, just how wrong something is. Judging is one of them. I need to be more aware of my own thoughts and judgements. I only have one judge and so doesn't everyone else. And folks, it ain't us !
copy and paste the link above to see the definition of speaking in tongues
Another interesting topic :) :)
I once posted on this exact thing about Oprah a few months ago including showing the video about it. The reason why I posted about it was not to intentionally "judge" her but to make people aware of her beliefs. Why did I feel it important enough for me to post about it on my "decorating" blog? Because I think that when we hear things like that (like what Oprah was talking about) it makes some of us "Christians" really nervous because she has a lot of influence on people and she is misinforming people about God and religion which is as the Bible says very dangerous. So I just wanted to make people aware more than anything, not necessarily "judge" her. A couple weeks ago though someone read that post and kinda attacked me for posting it on my own blog. So I removed it because I didnt post it to stir up any angry emotions or anything and didnt want it to become a debate or anything.
I still do think that Oprah is confused about religion, does that make her not a Christian though? I cant answer that. Maybe she still has asked God into her heart.Thats between her and God however I really dislike the things she is claiming though and think its very dangerous and we do have to be careful and discerning about what we believe.
About judging... The Bible does say somewhere, I forget the verse now go figure lol that we actually can judge people believe it or not. But probably not meaning judging like being harsh and saying all kinds of bad stuff about people. But rather be discerning, careful and gently speak your mind or confront someone for their actions when necessary. I believe its in reference to judging their actions, not necessarily them as as person.
Yeah I agree its very interesting how different denominations believe different things about being saved or going to Heaven. Personally I believe that if you ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to come into your heart then you will be saved and I believe that because thats what the Bible says.
I read all Bible versions but recently found out KJV is "best" because the other versions do leave out stuff or change the context so its probably important that if we follow the Bible, we follow what was intended for us rather than what some regular joe decided to write as the Bible.
I think the reason some Christians are unfortunately labelled as Judgemental (which is giving us a very bad rap) is because Christians are scared. Scared of what next. For example, if we accept drinking whats next clubbing is ok, how about gay marriage how about abortion how about lets just let men have 10 wives and on and on. We are afraid of that happening. I think thats what it is. It seems that if we accept and allow "anything goes if your a Christian" then theres no boundries. People are already bending Gods laws (comandments) to fit their lifestyle. Were called to be different and Holy. Nowadays it really IS hard to tell who is a Christian and who isnt. SHouldnt we be able to tell? I think the Bible says were supposed to be different and not wordly. I dont know, thats just my thoughts.
I just read a quote by Billy Graham the other day, he said:
"Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion- its a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ." I believe that. I have to say, Im not comfortable with "anything goes". I do think we need to be Christ like in all we do and the way we live our lives. I dont think that were going to go to hell if we drink or do stuff that might be questionable but I dont think we are living our best for Him either then. I dont think we can ever say if someone is going to hell or not. And I think the best thing we can do is all try to live more Christ like. Im not sure that alot of Christians want to try to live more Christ like because being a Christian is hard work. Its not for whimps thats for sure!
I also find that even when I DONT judge someone, I am always being judged because of the way I chose to live my life. Because I chose to read the KJV or because I chose to not drink or whatever, some family and friends always get their nose out of joint about it. Meanwhile all Im trying to do is to keep trying hard everyday and avoiding temptations and all. Its not easy and sometimes a lonely path. I also like the label of being "religious". Seems alot of people try to hide that about them or hide their denomination. I have nothing to hide though. Im happy to be "religious" if that means Im different because I try hard to follow Gods laws.
To "got 2 trot librarian", speaking in tongues is actually a language God gifts to some people. It sounds like jibberish but its a form of praising and worshipping God. Not all but quite a few denominations believe in it although some believe it should be kept personal. Either way its not a gift that makes one make it to heaven. Its just a special blessing or gift from God.
When it comes to social rights or same sex marriage, the reason many Christians seem judegmental about it is not because they are trying to judge others or hurt anyone but because they believe it is wrong because when a person believes and follows the Bible literally then they cant agree with gay marriage. Its hard for Christians because they want to follow Gods laws but yet they are the ones who get judged over and over and over because they are trying to stand up for what they believe in. When gay people or minorities stand up for what they believe in nobody attacks them but when Christians stand up for what they believe, people are all over them and putting them down it seems.
*sigh* I dont know.. All I know is its hard. Its hard being a Christian in this day and age because its sure not the popular way to live and that breaks my heart :(
Just wanted to say that I hope I didnt come across as hating Oprah or anything. Let me just say that I am thee worse for explaining myself LOL Seriously I am bad at it. I think its because I rarely speak up. In life Im a very quite shy and soft spoken person. Its funny how writing/blogging Im able to "talk" about my feelings and stuff.
Anyway... :) I should have said in my first comment that of course Oprah has good qualities. We all have things that are good and bad about us. I think she is one of thee most giving people in probably the whole world! That says alot for sure.
But all I was trying to say was about the religion "issue" thats all. I dont know, I always wonder as Christians are we supposed to tolerate anything and everything or do we stand up for the things that the Bible says is clearly wrong? Maybe we should tolerate anything and everything? Im not sure what Im supposed to do lol
Thanks for letting me comment on this. Sorry the first comment was so long. ahhh I better end now before this gets so long too lol
Candy :)
I have commented on other blogs over the Oprah uproar, and had to quit, most of the *Christian* women who were so upset over Oprah, never watched her Tv Show, did`nt really know much about her, other than her New Earth involvement. It was frustrating to me. My opinion of these Christian women was and still is, is that they are fearful, close minded, and uninformed. I can understand why this type of Christian has given themselves a bad reputation. When i hear someone announce, "I am a Christian" It turns me off.
As for Gays, one does not have to agree with this lifesyle, or any other, one only needs to feel compassion when it is needed. All this talk about striving to become more God like, where would Mary Magdalenes life have taken her had Jesus judged her as a whore and not felt compassion for her?
So I see no need to judge and in fact am grateful it's not up to me!! Thank you as always for a deep and thought-provoking post.