Emery will be 62 years old this month, its hard for me to even relate to the numbers. He doesn't seem that old. But then what am I comparing the numbers to ? The folks that decide its time to be old ? There are so many people that start to slow down at that age, start acting old. That is just not an option for us. For us, life is just getting more exciting all the time and we just want to explore more, hike more, dance more, laugh more and make more plans. Someone recently told me they have no idea how I get so much done in a day. I just laughed. You do the things you want to do and then there are a few things you just simply have to do. Life is exciting, too many wonderful things going on that I just simply don't want to miss. Part of our "living spherically" philosophy ! Emery called just a bit ago, wanting to know if I wanted to go out and do something fun tonight. Without a moments hesitation I agreed. No need to plan for days and days. We can just go ! I love this time in life, we have that second opportunity to go and do so many of the things we did years ago, before children. I loved having children at home, but I also love this time. It's a time to remold life, change it up a bit. Be active and have some fun. Its a great example for your children and grand-babies. Getting older isn't bad, its wonderful. Life is exciting, if you want it to be. We choose which road we travel : )
Patty, I went to visit my oldest living uncle recently. He was born in 1922. His wife, just s few years younger was out working in her flower beds, and he had been to the cemetery where he volunteers to do the maintenance. He had dug the graves for two of his friends that day. Emery is a young man in comparison! And he has done the same kind of hard work and right living that has helped my uncle to remain strong all these years!
Hi Dana, My dad is 87 this November and plays 18 holes of golf, 3 times a week. Never gave it a thought about driving from Florida to Texas in two days by himself. His sister died in her upper 90's had a heart attack on her way to the casino ! So often we limit oursleves and we have no intentions of doing that. I suspect we will be backpacking well into our 80's
My dad is 87 this November and plays 18 holes of golf, 3 times a week. Never gave it a thought about driving from Florida to Texas in two days by himself. His sister died in her upper 90's had a heart attack on her way to the casino ! So often we limit oursleves and we have no intentions of doing that. I suspect we will be backpacking well into our 80's