Spent my day in a quiet way....had some food shopping to do and then took Melanie to the dentist. It was a blessing to be there for her. She welled up with tears when we told her we wanted to help in more than just being there for her. I wrote a check, joyfully. The reason I share this is because I have written about money lately and how it can be a blessing and how it can also consume you, the choice is always yours. Don't take it as a brag or something, its not. This morning it became clear to me that its not a life of wealth and goods that I want, but a life of simplicity with money to use for good and not for possessions. That is what its about for me, and nothing other than that feels right. I am never an advocate of giving money to folks that got themselves into debt by foolishness, or who spend their money on a whim, buying stuff they don't need or when its just to show off, even if it was a child of mine. But, we enjoy living as we do in a simple way which allows us to be able to help family out when there is a real need. Today, there was a blessing of being able to help out, which defines to me what being rich is.
"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.~
Anonymous said…
Patty, my grandfather was an investment banker who passed away at age 93 as a very wealthy man--we had no idea, as my grandparents had always lived very modestly. He gave me some very good advice when I got my first job as a teenager: money is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. You exchange it for the things you need and to help the people you love. I've never forgotten that. Tools make hard jobs easier and make most work go more smoothly. Money can be used the same way. Tools can damage when not used properly, too, or when not put away carefully. His analogy makes more sense the older I get!
I think I am preaching to the choir.....bless you for helping Melanie and her family.
love that. Love your thinking post too. I am 34, with 6 kids. I also had a dream book. I saved pictures of things I dreamed of earnestly. One day, I woke up, and realized thats not happiness. HE is, and the simple things are. A good day with happy kids (rare if they all are) and a good husband , a good meal Ive worked hard on, or clean laundry. Thaks for your posts. Christina
Sometimes being in debt is what teaches people to put money in the proper perspective. It is unfortunate that the lesson comes after the noose is already around the neck. I have great sympathy for those who have made the error and are working hard to get on the right track and I am more than willing to help them. Those who continue down the same path are a different story. Nice post.
What a fabulous gift you gave to Melanie. Generally the best gifts are the ones when someone takes care of our needs, not our wants. I've been away from blogging for a bit but am glad to be back reading your postings. Your last posting on your decision about the wealth was just right. Wealthy in heart and spirit is far more fulfilling than wealthy in the financial sense.
I think I am preaching to the choir.....bless you for helping Melanie and her family.
Nice post.