Life itself.
The excitement of greeting a new day.
Love, the deep kind of love that can be wordless but never is because it overflows.
Prosperity in our lives and the lives of our children.
Mei-Lings health.
First steps in so many areas of life.
That there are always first steps, even at 50 and 60.
Hand holding and that silly sort of walking into each other, where you purposely bump hips and giggle like you were sixteen years old, nearly tripping over each other and getting caught in each others grins. Unaware that you are walking down a crowded street.
Music, always grateful for music and how you can always match mood and music.
Being a woman.
Nail polish on toes hidden by mud boots, its a bit like my life, not everything about me is obvious.
I like a bit of mystery.
Telephones and computers, they keep us in touch with folks we like and love.