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Loss. . .
This is a difficult post for me to write. Today at the Doctors, they couldn't find a heartbeat for Melanie's tiny baby. She was 11 weeks along today. I saw my child devastated by grief and lost hopes. I felt my own loss and my own helplessness in trying to "make it all better" for my youngest daughter. Thoughts kept running through my mind of stories I had heard of miracles when a baby's heart beat could not be heard, then when they went to do a D&C, the baby's heart was beating strong, a miracle. I keep hoping for that sort of miracle, but know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is in control. I know that things in this imperfect world of ours can just go wrong. I have miscarried, I know the pain, but seeing my own child so grief stricken breaks my heart beyond words. I saw her tears falling onto Mei-Lings back as she held her so close, so grateful for the blessing of that dear baby in her arms. Life is precious. I thought about the 19 year old that sat next to me in the waiting room, pregnant with #3, her oldest child 4 years old. She was complaining about being pregnant, said her children ruined her life. Yes, it seems unfair to me, but life isn't about what is and is not fair. Its about trusting that God will lead us through the dark, stormy nights and bring us into the dawn of hope. Please say a little prayer for Melanie and Casi. They are hurting so much right now.
How sad for the children of that young girl... they deserve better.
I am so sorry for you all's loss.
Praying that you can feel God's love and peace during this difficult time.
You will all be in my prayers for strength and understanding during this very difficult time.
I will send up many prayers for everyone, including that young lady at the doctor's office...
Grace & Peace
Words can't ever express the depth of our sadness when we lose a child and a dream at the same time. We will be praying for a cloud of comfort to surround your family. How thankful I am that Melanie has your deep and unending love.
Stay close and love.My prayers are with you
I know you are hurting, too, but will be strong for them.
It is wonderful that you are such a close family.
Praying for your family.
God Bless Patty!
What e'er my God ordains is right;
Holy His will abideth.
I will be still what e'er He doth,
And follow where He leadeth.
He is my God, Though dark my road,
He holds me that I shall not fall;
And so to Him I leave it all.
What e'er my God ordains is right;
He never will deceive me.
He leads me by the proper path,
I know He will not leave me.
I take content, What He hath sent, His hand can turn my greifs away,
And patiently I wait His day.
What e'er my God ordains is right;
Though now this cup, in drinking,
May bitter seem to my faint heart,
I take it now unshrinking;
My God is true, Each morn anew
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart, And pain and sorrow shall depart.
What e'er my God ordains is right;
Here shall my stand be taken.
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, Yet am I not forsaken;
My Father's care is round me there,
He holds me that I shall not fall;
And so to Him I leave it all.
Please know that I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
As for the young girl in the doctor's office, those poor little innocent children. May G-d also watch over them and give them love.
May God be with you all,