Favorite Homesteading Book, "BACK TO BASICS"

Lots of my readers have asked if I have a favorite book that shows you how to live a simple homestead sort of life. I do have one. It's a book that has lots of good information with instructions on how to get back to basics. Actually that is the title of the book, " Back to Basics" published by Readers Digest quite a while ago. There are several copies of the book for sale on eBay right now. It helps you learn to do the things our ancestors did.
It covers things like how to buy your land, all the way through things like building barns, caring for livestock, making cheese, spinning, weaving, cutting wood, heating with wood and much more. I have used and still do use this book as a reference book many times in our nearly 2 decades of homestead life.
Click the picture to make it bigger for easier reading


Dana and Daisy said…
I loved this book! I had it years ago and gave it away. Thanks for reminding me of the cover so I can look for it again. It is so packed with really good info that every one can use!
debi said…
When I saw your picture I jumped up and searched through my book case. I have no clue where it came from but I have that book. Glad to know it is filled with knowledge I can put to use.I have never even checked it out. Shame on me. I am a person that everyone gives their "stuff" to. Thank you.
Patty said…
Enjoy reading it Debi, its a great book. Glad you had it on your shelf : )
Shop girl said…
Thank you for stopping in....We live on a 5 ac. farm...1906 cottage farm house. I would love to find this book.
Your pictures are so beautiful, I will return during the week and read more...I am blessed, she is a wonderful girl, my Sweetheart!
Hugs, Mary
debi said…
My husband had an early call from the fire dept.(we are a small village and just have a volunteer dept)When he returned I made him a very late breakfast.I put the book in front of him and he couldn't turn the pages fast enough.He has many old tools and is trying to decide what he wants to make.Thanks again.
Patty said…
Hi Debi,
Maybe lots of good projects in your future from that book !
Foxy5 said…
I just checked that book out from my library last week! Good book. :)

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