Rushing The Seasons...

As much as I personally might like it to be autumn time, its not and its a ways off yet. Melanie and I did a bit of shopping today when I was in town to get sudan hay for the goats. In the stores, all the autumn items are being displayed. Fall is weeks away. And as soon as August is over, Christmas goods will be making their way to the shelves and as soon as December is over, Easter goods will be appearing, and then in March we will see summer clothes finding their way to the racks and things like beach towels and sun tan lotion.... Does this sort of thing make us weary of the new season before it even arrives ? We don't seem to enjoy the moment we are in, we rush the seasons. Frustrated with the weather or some such thing, only to hasten it, months early. Not much logic in that sort of thinking. We are anxious for what we don't have and then anxious to move past where we are.
Its true, right now I am guilty of that. I am plain sick of summer heat and anxious for the cooler temperatures. For days filled with wind that carries and swirls leaves in its embrace. Colors bold and bright. Sweaters and wool socks and the first fire in the stove. I can see that the marketing experts are counting folks sharing my mood, my anxiousness to move onto the next season.
But there is still aspects of summer to enjoy... the lemonade, the way cold water feels on your feet as you wade into the river. The sky so endlessly blue, and the tall white fluffy clouds that hide the sun for a moment, giving you a break from the bright sun. The time to lay in the grass, just watching the clouds go by, chewing on a blade of grass without a care in the world. That is what we have now. We have bare feet and long evenings to sit out on the porch and sip iced tea. We have beach balls to play with and sand castles to build.
I am going to make an effort to look for the beauty in where we are on the calendar, not rush the seasons along. God had a plan in all this and I might as well enjoy it.


nancyr said…
I think schools are rushing the season, too. Where I live, school starts Monday. Starting in mid August, in schools that are not air conditioned makes no sense. Whatever happened to school starting the day after Labor Day. Another good reason for home schooling.
Patricia said…
Oh Patty, I admit to longing for Fall... especially when the mornings are below 50 up here... I need to enjoy each season the Lord has given us and be content with it until He brings another 'round.
Thanks so much for this reminder. Lately I have been SO ready for summer to be over so I really needed to be reminded to enjoy where God has me. Thanks,

Lisa in Texas = )
TJ said…
I so agree Patty! While Fall is my favorite time of year, I keep reminding myself to fully enjoy the summer as I will miss it when the ground is covered in snow.

I do wish that stores would stop pushing items so early, but on the otherhand, it means some great summer items were on 90% clearance in July. I was able to stock up on nice plastic cups, which are a bit less destructible than the glasses my kids have been dropping.
novascotiagal said…
I agree that the marketing rushes us along to where we aren't yet... and I find myself shopping for something when I need it, and out of sync with the stores. When I need something, they have already sold out of THOSE and moved on to the next season's stuff. So I say to myself, once again, guess I'll have to wait for next year! Sigh.
The Stricklands said…
Thank you for the gentle reminder that I need to BE content in today. Just saying I am content doesn't seem to work for me :0) I loved Eliabeth's sweet birthday pictures - she is a cutie!
Dana and Daisy said…
I remember when I was little, that we always waited until the middle of December to put up our Christmas tree. Some people waited until just a few days before Christmas. As I became an adult, I wanted it up the day after Thanksgiving. But when I do that, I get tired of it before Christmas is here. I have been ready to take it down on Christmas night some years.

Now I try to live in the season, and not allow myself to be guided by the retailers who don't care what your experience is, just how much you line their pockets.

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