What I wonder....

Some folks are afraid to wonder, afraid to think about the things that have no answers or that are different from what they believe. I am not one of them. I have no fear in wondering and in fact I rather enjoy it at times. Admittedly there is a down side, it does at times confuse me and make me question the things I once thought were sure things and then doubt arises and then there are times that wondering leads me on great searches and I do change my thinking from what it once was and that is one of the very reasons some folks are afraid to wonder. It might just make you change your thinking.
There are some things I wonder about all the time because there is no real answer. There are trite little phrases that folks offer as if they were real answers but they are not.

I wonder often about Jesus being the messiah..."oh dear" you are saying right now. "How can a person wonder about that?". I can almost hear you. But with my background, one can wonder that. Micha 4 clearly lays out what the messiah will do, and it wasn't done. There is more, but I am not out to make you wonder what I wonder about !

I wonder why it is that on all the earth, that a senior Tibetan lama studied by the University of Wisconsin, Madison, was quantifiably the happiest man in the world according to his brain activity.

I wonder why tai chi has been found to improve the immune system by such a great degree, yet within Christianity there is no such practice that improves our immune system.
"Tai chi has recently been shown to boost older adults' immunity to the varicella-zoster virus that causes shingles as much as the varicella vaccine can, according to the results of a study supported by NCCAM and the NIA and reported in April 2007....The study showed that the tai chi group's rate of increase in immunity during the 25-week study was double that of the control group. In addition to the improved immunity, those in the tai chi group also reported significant improvements in physical functioning, bodily pain, vitality, and mental health."

I wonder if there is reincarnation, even the diciples wondered if Jesus was the reincarnation of Elijah or an prophet from old (Luke 9: 18-19) Jesus didn't scold them for wondering.

I wonder why it stuck when Constantine changed the sabbath good link on the subject .
There are so many things I wonder about and none of it makes me a bad person.
I wonder why folks that believe so different from the Amish and Mennonite in major doctrinal issues, like baptism, voting, insurance, divorce and remarriage, military service, communion more than a couple times a year, continuing school after 8th grade, having Internet, etc would want to wear the uniform of a people that believe so differently.

I wonder how the law of attraction works. Did God set up this great system to hear all our prayers and have our faith rewarded in such a manner ? Maybe God opperates with quantum physics

So many things to wonder about.
“Wondering's healthy. Broadens the mind. Opens you up to all sorts of stray thoughts and possibilities.”
~Charles de Lint~
the photo is of Melissa, she too is a great wonderer


Mary Jo said…
I wonder about so many of these things too. I would love to elaborate but it's late her and I need to go to bed. I will continue wondering...
Mrs.T said…
I wonder too.. its took me a long time to have a relationship w/ G_D .

I like the way some sect of Jewish faith see why things are different for different folks..

G-D needs everyone ..Hebrew,Christian ,Muslim,Buddhist, Pagan ..everyone.. and as along as you are good person and follow the 7 laws I think..I can't remember the word for it but basically it says pretty much what the 10 Commandments say, some what.. for me it just says be a good person.. don't cheat,steal,lie or kill.. I think all faiths worth their salt teaches that..

wonderful site

I also love www.chabad.org

thank you for a wonderful post ...
Patty said…
Hi Looking through the Garden Gate,
you may have guessed that I spent a good portion of my life a part of the Lubavitch community. Chabad will forever be a part of me and my girls. Emery is not Jewish. Melanie learned to read hebrew long before she learned english and to this day, she will often open a book up as if it was in Hebrew.
Mrs.T said…
How was that being raised in that community? and no wonder you ask questions lol.. from what I gather in Judaism your SUPPOSE to ask and wonder..thats how you grow and become closer to G-D :)

I see G-D different from most folks and from my upbring... I was raised Southern Baptist here in TN..

When I decided to not put G-d in a box and put a label on how I come to him.. that's when that connection started to become deeper and with meaning...
But that's me...

Many paths to the source :)
MrsRitchey said…
It's always good to wonder and think. I don't think Micah 4 speaks of what Jesus was going to do while here on earth. I think it speaks of the end times, you know....tribulation....rapture... all that good stuff. Hope that helps!

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