The Wonders of Nature and of Living

Monday morning. A quiet morning. Breakfast with my dad. Small talk and serious talk, coffee and waffles. Running before the house had come to life, so sitting at the table was a nice rest. Chore time...amazing time. Life all around me. Bee's buzzing, gathering. Flowers exploding with color and scent. Birds darting from tree to tree, song given freely as praise for the morning.
I forget I am working....with so much beauty around me, how can you consider it anything more than sight-seeing while your hands are busy. The grass is so green right now. The sky so blue. Each flower against the perfect background. Even cob webs fill me with a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of nature.
Cats and kittens munch on breakfast...Pepper would rather tease them than eat her own breakfast. The goats much contentedly on grain and hay. I just linger...soaking up the morning. Memorizing the colors, the sounds, the scents. Pepper runs through the mint patch and comes bounding up to me...minty fresh. Her coat of black and brown, bursting with chocolate suits her.


Peggy said…
sounds like a perfect way to start a new week. Hope your dad comes to live with you. I miss my dad so much though he passed away years ago. He lived with me for about 1 year before he remarried and I loved every minute of it!
Margo in Maine said…
I feel like I was experiencing the sites and sounds as you write so skillfully about is like reading a feel like you are right there...blessings

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