A Note to A Mother

My other blog, Daily Wanderer is private now. It's a place for Melissa and I to have our chats. The kind of chats we have always had in the computer room of our house, they are deep and philosophical and about life, but also fun and silly at times.
Today Melissa left a post for me and I was so moved by it. Moved to tears actually. Every single day I talk to all our children. It's always a blessing. Steven and I talk on the phone just about every day. Melissa and I chat on line and talk on the phone. Melanie and I talk on the phone and get to see each other almost every day. We like each other as well as love each other. The girls are daddy's girls too and Steven admires his dad to the fullest. We are profoundly blessed. O.K. enough gushing...
This is what Melissa wrote to me today. I learned so much. I felt so much and I understood something that I couldn't understand before.
I asked if I could share it with you, my readers and she said, "sure". The lesson is, we may not even see the real picture, but look at ourselves as if we were just seeing an old picture. With her words, I might just start believing what my family has been telling me !
And this is one of the pictures she included. The girls and I in front of the snowman we all made on Mt Pinos.
"What a beautiful, open, honest, powerful post you wrote on your other blog. I think you are more authentic than you realize, just by writing that post. You showed that you are open, real, and I think in a way you always have been without realizing it. Your childhood shaped who you are, and how you always will want to fit in, to be the best so people will like you, but in fact, I think people like you anyway. Your childhood experiences are so deeply ingrained that its hard to realize that people actually DO like you, just for being you. You have so many traits that people enjoy - kind, thoughtful, intelligent, resourceful, etc. so that every group you have been in, you become very popular - and maybe in that is your authentic self. Some people are just journeyers, always on a quest for new experiences - and I think you might be one of them. Of course, on the flip side, there is the log-cabin you. And I know that is part of your authentic self because you have created that as best you could at your house. You've got the animals, garden, cedar trim, etc which makes the house more "woodsy" for lack of a better term. So even though you haven't had a house in the woods, you have come pretty darn close in Texas. So my point is that I think you have been pretty authentic without even realizing it. And for what it is worth, I think it is so awesome how you are ever out to better yourself. You are an amazing woman :) "


~Bren~ said…
Very powerful note to Mom!
Your daughter knows you very well, and I was blessed to read her insights.
Jo Lynn said…
What a powerful and very truthful letter to a wonderful mom. You are definetely a person I follow everyday. Your children know you very well. And yes I think you are perfect the way you are.

Jo Lynn
novascotiagal said…
Lovely note to a Mother. So meaningful, when it comes from someone who has been with you for a good portion of the journey - from someone who is thoughtful and observant as well as loving... thank you and your daughter for sharing.
Dulce Domum said…
Oh, that was so sweet and so full of insight. She sounds like a wonderful woman, you obviously did such a good job raising her.
Karen Oros said…
Oh my, that takes your breath away doesn't it?:-) You are blessed Pat!
Dana and Daisy said…
that is a very articulate young woman you have raised! She's right. I like you for who you are.

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