The Morning in Pictures

It rained last night and I wasn't expecting it so the bag of goat minerals got a little wet. It will dry. An inconvenience but the rain is so welcome, that small things like that don't seem to matter in the big scheme of things. I wonder how many things in life are like that, if we look deeply at them ? Waiting at a red light, standing in a long line, waiting on the phone, that sort of thing. Will they matter to us in two months time ? Probably not, so its almost like waisting our energy, our thoughts on things that don't really matter when you look at the big picture.
The morning is gorgeous. The grass so green you can almost feel the color. The sunshine so golden, filling in the spaces between the branches. The air is soft and still free from the heat that comes with the afternoon hours. I find myself lingering outside, no rush to get the chores done.
Pepper is more than willing to play with me, so we chase the basketball together and she shows off her skills at playing "fetch". She ends her play time with a splash about in the pool.
The garden has dictated what lunch will be, cucumber sandwiches with tomatoes on the side. Life is good !
A very tall sunflower, with lots of bugs crawling up the stalk
A busy bee on that same sunflower (you might want to click the picture to see the bee better)
Pepper drying herself off after her morning swim
Dill in bloom
the mint and lavender garden
fern hanging in an oak tree
tomatoes still green but huge
Pepper, the next NBA Champ
The potato fork hidden by sunflowers
breakfast time !


Cool! I almost feel I should move to Texas because you have such a longer gardening season and are so ahead of us here in Ohio! But my son and daughter and son in law and grandson live right here in this township, and my other daughter and her husband in PA, not too far away, so I guess I'll stay put and count my blessings as I bloom where I'm planted....How did you and Emery decide to move to Texas, Patty?
Dana and Daisy said…
Oh Patty, I wish we could give you some of our rain! We've been deluged with rain this spring and last spring too! The temps have been cool enough but it is sooo humid. It makes it hard to work outdoors for very long. I'm going to try to get my outdoor work done early in the morning before the sun heats up the outdoor sauna!
The dB family said…
Patty,you take such beautiful and fun photos! Pepper is really growing. I was just telling my husband that we need to get a small pool for our Snoopy dog. She had some Lab in her (webbed toes and floppy ears), and seems to like the water. I'll have to shoe him the video of Pepper.

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