The Wonders of The Morning

The earth is so full of beauty, so full of color. My morning stroll was full of the wonders of the morning.


Victoria (Vii) said…
A morning walk sounds divine! What wonderful gardens you must have!
Patty said…
our gardens are scattered here and there. Random sorts of spots. More each year. By the time we are old, we want to have flowers everywhere and berry bushes all around. Grape arbors etc. Plans and more plans.
Your photography is breathtaking as always. For some reason I thought you were no longer posting. I'm glad that you are!

Margo in Maine said…
I enjoy the majesty of the sunflower that turns it head upward or sometimes bows it head..I have had a hard time to grow in my garden..but a couple of years ago I went to the greenhouse and got 3 already started and they did so well and I enjoyed watching them over the summer....thanks so much for all your inspiration and pics they are very inspiring
Eve said…
Those Sunflowers look so much like mine, I thought for a minute I was on my blog. LOL
I do a little rambling about gardens too on my first ever blog. I have no idea what I am doing. Come see if you want too. It is a square foot garden and takes so little work, I feel guilty about calling myself a gardner.

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