Dirty Feet and Dirty Fingernails

What a simply glorious day ! Not a cloud in the sky. To sound a bit like an old hippy here, it was a harmonious day with nature. I never did hug a tree, even though that last line sounds like I must hug trees on a daily basis. Now, I will admit that my oak trees that stand in a circle all have names, fine strong Celtic names, suitable for such strong oak trees.
Anyway, back to the day... I had such fun playing in the dirt, wait, I meant to say digging in the garden. Must have been a bit of a slip of the tongue there.
I dug up some old iris bulbs and planted them in my new little garden spot. I felt right proud of how they looked, I put my hands on my hips and thought to myself, " good job".
There is nothing quite as invigorating to me as getting my feet and hands dirty in the soil planting. Its good emotionally too, to be connected to the earth that way. We put in 20 more asparagus plants this weekend and planted a bunch of potatoes. Just knowing we worked with hope for good food for the table is so basic, so simple.
Today my arms lifting shovels full of rich brown soil, making holes to plant the future. By summer I will be enjoying vase after vase of fragrant roses and seasoning my foods with herbs from the garden. I love making a recipe that used everything right from my back yard. Fresh and wholesome food. No pesticides or chemicals. We have had organic gardens always. We have been in this house nearing 15 years. The soil has been cared for tenderly all those years. Tuk Tuk sat beside me wherever I was planting. What a funny cat he is.
Tuk Tuk is named after those great little Taxi's in Thailand. Somehow that name suits him just fine. He is a bit out of the ordinary as far as cats go and those taxis are certainly out of the ordinary from what we know as taxi's.
Wish I had one to scoot around town with. Might just have to add that to my wish list.
The sun is hanging low in the sky now, looking like an orb of the finest gold. Not the least bit garish or harsh, but refined and beautiful. The young rooster is chasing hens all over the yard and crowing up a storm. Need to name that boy. How bout an old fashioned naming contest for him. Next post will be a picture of this young rooster and then you can tell me what you think we should name him. The prize for the best name will receive his first son, oh yeah, you may not want a rooster.....well how about the winner gets some of my home made soap and a pair of hand dipped beeswax candles that I made.
The winner will be picked by a panel of three judges, my grown children !

Food in its infant stage


Hi Patty
My submission for the rooster name is Curran. Just popped into my mind. Love that you name the trees.
They seems ti be sentient some times.
smilnsigh said…
With snow on the ground here, I can hardly imagine you are doing and seeing all these things... But I'm happy for you, that you are.

Teresa said…
Patty, I have the perfect name for your rooster...."Cat!" It is two-fold: firstly, he will sing to you about the simple life, like Cat Stevens, and secondly, he is bound to be bigger than his britches and think that he is higher on the chain than he is...thusly he is a Cat! (P.S. I once had a cat named Mouse. It was fun to call "Mouse!" and see a cat come running.)

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