Birthday Again !
What a fun and full day we all had today. Melissa and Melanie prepared a wonderful birthday for me, baking a delicious birthday cake together. Then Melissa decorated the dinning room so pretty and made a great Italian meal for all of us. I spent the afternoon fabric shopping and after the quilt shop, we spent an hour or so sipping a frappachino while playing a rather lively game of dominos at Starbucks.
We all laughed so much over the silliest things which made for a well enjoyed party .
My girls washed and dried dishes and had everything put away in no time. They even enlisted the help of Casi to dry. It was a treat to sit and visit with Emery, my sister and Debbie. Steven and Pricilla sat and talked with us too.
I was treated to more presents. From Melissa, two fantastic books from Victoria (from the now defunct magazine publisher by that same name) and 4 CD's .
From Steven, a Starbucks gift card. From Melanie and Casi, a Buddha statue, a movie I love and a Paris cafe CD. Emery gave me some beautiful yarn too.
I am well satisfied, despite no Volvo being delivered to the door : )
With all the gifts I received and I loved them all, the greatest gift was to have Emery and my children all around me, along with my sister Jan and best friend Debbie. We settled in the living room, a bit calmer and slowing down by the light of the kerosene lamp. Soft music playing. It felt so perfect, so unrushed and so relaxed. Simple fun
No money in the world could give me what I had tonight. That warm embracing feeling of having love surround you and fill every nick and cranny of the house. Everyone has gone to bed now, lights dim. Only the hum of the ceiling fans disturb the other silent hour.
My eyes tired and heavy. Sleep just around the corner. There will be especially sweet dreams tonight.
Enjoy your gifts and the visit of your family.
Jackie in ON