The Art Work Has Been Chosen

I have, after much searching, found the art work for the kitchen.
Just thought I would tell you it's been chosen, but will keep you
filled with suspense until the final unveiling later this week.

Maybe you wish to guess what it is ? ? ? ?

Give it your best shot...take a guess !

Attention guessers !
Just decided that the first person to guess the correct answer
will get a present from me, some of my home made soap and
a copy of one piece of art work.
You can use the Cbox to tell
me your guess if you are not a blogger or email me.
Email address is listed at my profile


Pam said…
hmmmm....maybe something "Old World" Bistro-ish? Or French Country? LOL...that's what I would choose if I overhauled my kitchen! I know you will have something beautiful to show us no matter what it is!
Kelli said…
I'm going to guess French Country but I know whatever you have chosen is perfect!! I can't wait to see!

SuBee said…
Fruit and/or flowers? Something of Natures bounty would be my guess....wil some wonderfully sweet pottery and glass. As a matter of fact, Patty -- any of your photographs blown up and framed would be perfect in your kitchen!
Reviekat said…
an outdoor French cafe setting. :) Whatever you chose, I'm sure it will be perfect!
La Tea Dah said…
Monet. . .something French.
Marci said…
A picture of a clipper ship to go with your dishes.

Maybe a little sidewalk cafe

I am sure it will be delightful!!

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