When You are Sick

Just like in the olden days, when you are sick on the farm, you still have to do the chores. We have all had some nasty stomach bug complete with all the things you never want to experience. But still, the animals have to be fed and wood needs to be brought in for the stove etc. Yesterday morning the house was cold, and I had a fever. My husband was out working and I needed to warm up the house so sick as can be, I still had to light the woodstove. It took a lot to pull myself out of the warm bed and face the cold house. It sure makes you know what you are made of.
I have watched my children milk goats with fevers and tend to their chores when they were not feeling all that great. Part of farm life. There is no such thing as "calling in sick"
Since we don't have any sort of 'instant" meals on hand, I was mighty glad no one felt like eating, since I didn't feel like cooking. Glad it was a short lived bug. Back to normal in a couple days. Lots of laundry to hang today and cinnamon rolls to make along with some cream of broccoli soup for supper. The broccoli is growing so well right now we are eating it just about every day.
Some days I read your blog and I long to be living on a farm, living a simple life. Your blog entry today made me feel better about being stuck in a city! Yuck . . when I'm sick, I'm a real wimp. I'm afraid we'd have hungry chickens and goats if I had to feed them when I'm sick. I probably wouldn't make a good farm wife.
Today I asked my husband if we could have a farm. You should have heard the laughter! He knows I couldn't eat my own chickens or goats (does anyone eat goats? . . maybe they're just for milk). Anyway, I asked him if he would help me care for them and he said NO! Maybe I'd better re-think my desire for a farm.
Judy L.